Untitled Part 19

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Kyro was asked to show his brothers around his college's campus.

Which was going well until someone kept saying "Are you three triplets."

Which is normal since Kyro is very close in age with his siblings.

They said no.

Kyro was tired and kind of annoyed

"You promise mom and dad you would show us around "Said Dare.

"Yeah you did. "Said Crow.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have to do stuff for you two. "Said Kyro.

"Don't say that we have said stuff similar about wishing the other was never born. "Said Crow.

"It resulted in having dreams where neither of us exist and you don't wanna have a dream like that. "Said Dare,

"Trust I'm just tired. "Said Kyro.

"We could go get food later. "Said Crow.

"Okay. "Said Kyro.


Dare and Crow went home.

Two months later- school has started.

Dare was starting his nursing program.

Lucky for him he was on a full ride all he did was write a essay.

"What the hell are you doing here. "Said Courtney Logan-The friend of Chase and Lorena.

"I could ask the same but to answer you question I'm here to get a nursing a degree. "Said Dare.

" Same here. "Said Courtney.


Crow was one of his graphic art classes.

During lunch he got to hang out with his friend Keila.

She told him about a girl she has been talking to.

"Nice. "Said Crow.

Their lunch was sushi at this little college spot that doesn't cost a lot but the food is great.


Dare and one of his friends joined them.

Dare was busy on his phone.

"What are you doing. "Said Jerica.

"Looking for a photo for my background on my phone, I can't decide between Halloween photo or Prom photo." Said Dare.

Dare wasn't like this with his former boyfriends because they never wanted to be seen with him but Ryker is different than all of those guys.

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