Untitled Part 26

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School started again.


Dare was in a bad mood.

Today was the millionth time someone assumed he was trans.

Dare had on this black denim skirt, a coat and a cropped shirt with a boots just minding his business going shopping for food for the week after school.

Dare was waiting for the person to say help him when someone in list said "you're one of those."

Dare turned around.

"One of what."

 "You know."

"No I don't think I do."

Then the person said something.

"I'm not trans."

But this wasn't a bad as this one time someone who was trans themselves referred to Dare as trans and Dare respond was "I'm intersex not trans, it's not the same thing."

This also happened when he was at a pride parade and there was someone selling pronouns pins.

This person saw Dare picking up a he/him one and they assumed he was trans.

Dare was wearing a skirt and leather crop top with boots, sunglasses and a wide brim hat.

They said "It's nice seeing trans people go against how people assume transmen should look."

Dare respond was "I'm not trans, I'm just intersex."

"Same thing."

"No it's not."

Dare hate this, he hates how people assume he's trans because he's intersex.

The only person who understood was Wynona when it happened, she was also there, she was with Keila and they both talked about it.

Wynona has had to deal with people assuming she's trans because she has a hairy and was raised as a boy- Wynona identifies as a girl but she's not trans since she lives life as girl.

Her parents did what the doctor told them to do and Wynona was raised as just a Black boy until she was in eight grade when changes started to happened and she didn't want to be a boy anymore.

Dare is different since he identifies with the gender he was assigned.

 When he got home he told Ryker about it who respond to this was "People are jerks."

"I know and I wanted to flip him off so badly but I couldn't."

"He's not worth it."

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