Untitled Part 46....

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Graduation happen.

"Leave it to you two to paint your caps. "Said Janet.

"Well I'm a Artist. "Said Crow.

"And I'm a menace with a nursing degree . "Said Dare.

"You're also a parent. "Said Derek.

"I know that. "Said Dare.

Their parents took photos of the two.

Their other family members showed up.

As for Marley and Marlow they are with Ryker's parents.

Crow's cap was painted with the school colors and a bunch of cheerleading stuff while Dare painted his with the words "Trans rights are Human rights."

Dare and his friends plus a few other students were planning on painting political statements on their caps- his was about trans rights because it's a important thing to him.

Crow had to gave a speech because he did cheerleading and he was the only person on the squad who wanted to do so.

"Hello everyone I'm Crow Liu, I'm one of the cheerleaders at this school and I'm a Digital and graphic art majors, as we sit here today to celebrating the hard work us students has done I hope that for all of us we do what we majored in but if that doesn't go well I hope life does, I have never gave a speech before, I was never a honor student or top of my class but my presences was known those, I wanted to be a artist my whole life I was never a sideline kind of guy I was someone who wanted to bring color to the world and I hope that life for each one of you is a little brighter."

A few sport players, some honor students and a few top students were giving speeches.

Ryker was one of them because he got talked into giving one.

When it was his time to talk- "Hello I'm Ryker Jones, History major and was on the basketball team, playing sports taught me that there are winners and losers but it also taught me sportsmanship and problem solving, important skills that a future professor will need, I stand here as a black gay man who's been lucky to have the life I have but it does have challenges given what I just said but most people would be bitter with life I decided that instead of being bitter than I should do something about it, a lot of us are here because we wanted to do stuff with our lives, be it science, fashion, humanities etc we all have hopes and dreams to make our lives better and I hope that the world gets better for everyone."

 Everyone took their photos.

A another photo that was taken was of Dare and Ryker but with their children because those two are important.

Dare is a parent, it's a part of his life that he takes seriously.

His babies are part of his whole world, he had to grow up a lot once he had them.

Dare has always been wise for his age but also has a sense of being childish sometimes.

He wears his menace to society proudly, he knows who he is and he's not afraid to show it.

People have tried to change him but the people closest to him haven't.

He remembers his relationship with Benjy.

Benjy wanted Dare to be something he wasn't because Benjy was raised in a Catholic household while Dare has only been to church four times in his life and three of those times were because Ryker asked him to since Ryker grew up going to church but Ryker is also Baptist and grew up in a church that is a lot more understanding than the one Benjy grew up in.

Dare wasn't expected by some of his former teachers to amount to anything despite his decent grades.

One even said he would end up living in a tent on drugs trying to fight the man.

Their high school did get a call that some of their students graduated and Dare's name was mentioned.

The ones who were proud were the art centered teachers and some of the English teachers because they didn't think of him as a problem child but as a creative person who will do good in the world also it was good to have students who cares more about what was happening in the world then drama that was happening in the school.

Dare did have his fair share of drama to deal with given that he's with Ryker.

Ryker is a jock, he likes sports, he's good at them and he plays them.

Dare hates sports, he sucks at them and his only chance at playing was when he was like five and his parents signed him and Crow up for soccer but it ended with Crow being good at it but Dare tripping on his feet but Crow also got bored.

Crow isn't into sports unless it's cheerleading but he's good at them but has no interest in playing them.

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