Untitled Part 31

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Meanwhile Crow was ready to go.

His dress was a princess style dress with a heart shaped next line and long sleeves.

The dress is pink because Crow loves pink

His hair is in a bun and will be down later.

He has his veil on and his shoes.

White heels.

He jewelry- small hoop earrings, his nose ring and a locker.

He had his flowers with him.

Everyone said he looked lovely and got emotional.

When his parents saw him they got emotional.


Rama was getting dressed.

He had on traditional Indian wedding attire in the colors orange and gold.

He also had a bindi on.

The rings are from the same place he got Crow's engagement ring.

When they couple saw each other they got emotional.

All Crow could think is Rama looks so wonderful and so handsome I love him so much.

All Rama could think is I get to marry this gorgeous fantastic wonderful kind man I'm so lucky.

When they the couple said their vows.

"Stereotypically most men don't think of their wedding day but I'm not like most men,"- Crow

Everyone laughed

 Then Crow said "I didn't expect when I met you in dentation that we would be standing here right now I say this because I didn't expect someone as cool looking as you to be with me but I was proven wrong you are one of my best friends, the love of my life, you make me smile when I'm sad, you make me laugh after I have had a tough day, you make life a wonderful thing."

When it was Rama's turn "My gorgeous Crow, You are one of the best things to happen to me, I love you so much and everyday with you feels magical and I enjoy every moment with you everyday is filled with love everyday day with you is a joy to my life, I hope to grow old with you and spend our days filled with love and happiness."

They both were emotional.

When it was time to kiss they kiss, it was passionate but tamed.

"Mr. and Mr. Mishra."

The first day was to some Jpop song that Crow liked.

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