Untitled Part 11

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Two months later.

Valentine day arrived which for Dare and Crow is a big deal because it's their birthday.

Also last night they both have a nightmare of a dream.


Dare and Crow were fighting some rarely these brothers ever do.

They couldn't agree on where they wanted their birthday party and then they both talked about how they have never had their own room and how they have always been the twins.

Then they both said "I wish I wasn't a twin."

Later that night.

Dare had a dream, in his dream he woke up and saw that his room looked different.

His room is one of those were one side is painted a different color than the other side, his side of the wall was painted green and Crow's side was painted a peachy pink color with a carpet that was purple on both sides.

Now both sides were green and all of Crow's stuff was gone.

Dare was freaking out and went down the stairs, he looked at one of the photos of the family and Crow was gone.

He was still freaking out and asked his parents a question and they looked confused and mentioned how they wish he would grow out of the imagination friend thing and make some real friends.

Dare realized that Crow didn't exist and he has no real friends.

He went to school and Crow wasn't there.

 Dare walked into the lunch room and someone made a comment about how Dare is a friendless loser always talking about some brother that doesn't exist.

Dare realized that if he has no friends that means he and Ryker aren't together because if everyone calls him a friendless loser and makes fun of him for thinking Crow exist that means Ryker would to also he sees him kissing someone else and his whole world breaks.

Also this means if Crow doesn't exist than Rama is single he goes to find him and sees him with someone else which upsets him because if Crow saw this he would be upset but maybe Crow isn't real.

Dare goes to sit down alone, goes home and is home alone missing his best friend who doesn't even exist.

Dare has always been a twin, not being one feels weird.

Life felt weird without Crow's bubbly personality, his "you talked crap about my friends and now I'm going to be your worst nightmare." his dramatic personal, his ways of dealing with stuff, his creativity, his way of cheering everyone up, how he and Crow when they were little and someone was being rude to one of them the other made it a personal problem because "No one talks crap about my best friend." his "I have to be feminine so that guys like me won't be afraid to be feminine." his "Pink is my favorite neutral it goes with everything." 

Crow doesn't like motorcycles or cars but still pay attention to Rama when he talked about it because Crow loves Rama.

All Crow could talk about after he met Rama was how handsome he was and how interesting he was.

Crow is a fan of romance and thinks romance is a interesting topic, he loves being Rama enough where he basically said "I hope to be with Rama forever."

The twins are different about a lot of stuff but that was okay because that what made them friends.

They didn't have to be best friends they could just been siblings but no they chose to be friends.

They had one of those Friends by choice Siblings by chance things you see on tv.

Meanwhile Crow is having a similar dream, compete with the friendless loser talking about a brother who doesn't exist.

He finds out that not only doesn't he have any friends and he's not a cheerleader.

He also finds out that since Dare doesn't exist that means Ryker is single but what he didn't expect was that Rama was also single, all Rama knew about Crow was that he was some loser with no friends pretending he has a twin brother that no one has ever met that even his own parents say is fake.

Crow is sad because he has no friends, he's single and his best friend doesn't exist.

Not being a twin felt weird to Crow because he's always been a twin.

It felt weird without Dare's brand of I don't give a crap what you think of me but if you talk crap about my friends I'll make it a personal problem and wish you never said that. which meant annoying the person until they said sorry, Dare isn't a annoying person but he sure can pretend to be annoying.

His unique fashion sense, his sharp sense of humor, how much he cared about his friends and family.

How he didn't care about school spirit but was willing to care if Ryker was involved because Ryker was important to him.

Dare didn't wear school colors on spirit week but he did because Ryker is into school spirit and he cares about Ryker.

He went to football games because he cares about Ryker, he was willing to do stuff that he wasn't interested in because Ryker was important to him.

Even Crow was willing to do stuff he wasn't interesting in because Rama was interesting in it.

Rama loves cars and motorcycles, it was something Rama enjoyed, Crow knows how to use power tools but he knew crap about cars and motorcycles but he cares enough to learn about them because Rama was into that stuff.

But now the life he thought he had wasn't real and he's sad about it.

Then he hears the sound of birds and wakes up.

He looks around and sees Dare looking around.

"I had a nightmare." They both said.

"You weren't real. "Said Dare.

"Same here." "Said Crow.

"I didn't like being the youngest. "Said Dare

"I like being a twin." Said Crow.

"Not having my best friend felt weird." "Said Dare.

"In my dream, I saw Ryker kissing one of Chase's friends." Said Crow.

"Nope nope nope nope ew I don't wanna hear that it leaves a image in my head that makes me sick, Ryker is my boyfriend I love him also he would never be into those trust fund jerks, his words but I agreed with him. "Said Dare.

 So they celebrated their birthday.

Crow was opening his gift that Rama got it- it was a pink leather he thrifted and painted flames on, white outline with pink and purple flames and on the back was a crow with the the word Crow in the same colors as the flames.

"I love it it's perfect. "Said Crow.


Dare was opening a gift he got from Ryker.

A book that Dare wanted that didn't come out until January that he's been saving money to buy, Dare had the money to buy it but he was saving that money for other stuff, it wasn't a costly book.

Dare was very happy about this.


"What are you doing ."Said Dare.

"Making Rama's birthday gift. "Said Crow.

What he was making a photo frame of all the stuff they have done so far in their relationship.

Rama really liked his gift.

Rama's birthday is three weeks before Crow's.

End of flashback.

Spring break happened a month later.

Dare was getting dressed.

Ryker's birthday was today so Dare was making a big deal about it.

The gift was this framed jersey that Dare found at a thrift shop that was one of Ryker's favorite basketball players ever.

Ryker was very happy about this- not because of the gift yes he loves it but because Dare got it for him and he loves him.

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