Untitled Part 43

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Dare had Marlow and Marley with him.

He was getting some stuff at a supermarket.

He had a basket with him because he was pushing a stroller and the carts with seats on it didn't look clean.

Dare hadn't shave today.

He usually does because he doesn't like how he looks with facial hair.

Crow got his removed because he hated shaving also it looked patchy when it grew out.

Dare's outfit for the day-purple shirt, long black skirt, boots and a black hoodie.

He had makeup on and he got his hair trimmed yesterday.

Someone made a negative comment about his outfit and his respond was "I don't dress to please people." followed by a "have a unpleasing day."

The only reason why this person didn't bother him was because they were public and Dare has his two kids with him.

Dare is use to this.

It's normal for both him and Crow but Crow deals with it more.

Dare wears a long skirt he might deal with at negative comments while Crow deals with them all the time, that why Crow is the way he is.

When Crow is asked why he dresses the way he does "Because it's comfortable also so that someone like me will see that it's okay to dress this way,"

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