Untitled Part 45

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Dare did end up seeing a therapy for a few weeks it didn't cure of his issues with pass relationships but he was doing a lot better to the point that he was able to do this stuff on his own.


Crow was working on a big art project for school it would be one of his last big ones.

He had to make a graphic animated art.

His was a book about a set of Chinese American twins loose inspired by him and his brother.

He even recorded his voice and everything, he even made paper book version of this.

He got a A + on his project and his teacher liked his project so much that he was asked to make a actual book for his store.

He made one and it was sent to a school that connected to this one.

The book was called the life as a twin.

The book has stories inspired by stuff that happen to him and his brother when they were little, he asked Dare first before he wrote this stuff down.

Someone made a comment about this to Dare, someone who knew he was intersex asked this but the person assumed he was one of those with like different hormones' or like something other than xx or xy. 

"Your brother wrote a book what did you do."

"Gave birth and passed all of my class the same year I did that. "Said Dare.

It's spring, he got married last year, his kids are almost one.

They were born nine months after he and Ryker got married.

Dare and Ryker got engaged on Dare's birthday which is in Feb.

Their engagement party was in the summer right before Crow and Rama got married.

Then they got married in the summer/fall months.

Dare got pregnant on his honeymoon  and his kids were born in June.

This is his last year of college because he spend. 

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