Untitled Part 16

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Dare and Ryker lay down watching tv they knew never to eat that place again.

It wasn't until two hours later when they finally felt like eating and could without throwing up.

They went to get food to bring to this place.

They were staying at this hotel like house, they all put money again to stay here.

"I have never had this before. "Said Dare."

"I saw it in a video once. "Said Ryker.

It was a grilled cheese sandwich but Garlic bread.

"Hey can I join you the next time you go jogging. "Said Dare.

"Sure why do you ask. "Said Ryker.

"I have never went jogging unless it was gym class related. "Said Dare.

"Okay but we might have to work out first are you okay with that. "Said Ryker.

"Okay. "Said Dare.

 Then Dare said "I don't pack any gym shorts."

"Well I would let you borrow some of mine but you weightless than I do despite us being the same height. "Said Ryker.

Dare ended up borrowing a pair of Crow's gym shorts.

Crow owns some because of cheer practice.

Dare has never wore any of Crow's clothes before other than once on Halloween but even then it was the darkest clothes Crow had- a dark pink shirt and a grey skirt."

The shorts were hot pink and had glitter on them.

Dare was wearing a red tank top and black sneakers.

Dare was doing well.

Later everyone ate dinner.

Ryker met up with two of his friends that were also here.

One of them offer to share something with Ryker.

"I can't eat that. "Said Ryker.


"There's pineapples."

"But not allergic to pineapples."

"I'm not but Dare is."

"Yeah you don't wanna kiss him and cause him to have a allergic reaction."

"Yeah, I have never seen him get one but I have also heard his parents mention that he has had one before twice and the first time was how his parent found this out."

 Dare went over to go talk to him.

Most of Ryker's friends are supportive of this relationships.

The ones who are well they aren't his friends anymore.

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