Untitled Part 35

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Dare and Ryker were coming from seeing the doctors, everything went well.

The next month was when Dare started to show a little bit more.

They went to go get a few stuff and Dare was in getting a few things.

If Dare needed to bent down to get something Ryker would get it for him.

Anytime Dare needed something Ryker got it for him.

Food mainly.

Dare also sadly has to deal with people thinking he's not pregnant or that he's fat or pretending to pregnant.

Dare tried getting one of those scooter carts since his back and feet hurt and someone trying to get in the way of him getting one so now he's walking in pain.

Dare managed to find one and sat down, the pain stopped at that moment but he did get stared at.

The next time this happened was next month.

Dare was showing a lot since he's carrying twins, twins run in his family, he's a twin and two of his siblings are a set of twins.

Dare had to deal with people being rude to him, one person manage to make Ryker angry.

Dare has never seen Ryker so angry before.

The comment was someone trying to push Dare out of the scooter cart he was using because they felt like he didn't need it.

Dare almost fell right on his stomach and it hurt.

Ryker went to go check on him and help him up but he was angry.

Ryker was so angry "You don't do that to people, I don't give a flying f if you think he doesn't need it, you don't push people especially pregnant ones."

Ryker looked so angry that it shocked Dare.

He wasn't scared or turned on just shocked.

The person happen to be white but another white person there said they saw someone get pushed and the person who yelled was angry about it.

Ryker and Dare were both okay.

During the fifth month they had a little baby shower.

Dare needed help getting dressed and Ryker helped him get dressed.

Dare couldn't see his feet or bend down to pick stuff up.

He's also been taking his nursing classes online.

Ryker was there one because he thinks the whole husband/boyfriend/partner not being there is dumb since it's their child too and two he's also there incase Dare needs anything.

The party went well.

Someone asked Crow how his honeymoon went since he and Rama went recently.

"Good it was relaxing and we had such a great time." Said Crow.

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