Untitled Part 9

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Dare's mouth pain lasted two whole weeks but he was able to do all of his homework because he in two weeks of online classes.

Dare was able to return to school.

Someone made up a rumor that he went to a different school that got disproven when Crow returned to school.

"He got his tonsils taken off and I got my wisdom teeth pull. "Said Crow.

The next day.

Dare got ready for school.

He thought about a lot of stuff.

He looked at a photo he had hanging up.


"Dressing up in the school colors I have never done this before. "Said Dare.

"Well I have and I'm happy to help. "Said Crow who was doing Dare's makeup

It was spirit week.

Their school didn't have a homecoming dance since they have a Halloween date.

Their homecoming dance is in November.

Winter Formal got cancelled because of this.

Today was school colors day, the next day is flashback day, then it's twins day, then it's Pajamas day and lastly it's book day.

Today went well.

When it was Flashback day.

Dare dressed in a eights trad goth inspired outfit and even wore a wig while Crow dressed like Cher from Clueless.

Twin day meant people wearing matches outfits with their friends but Crow and Dare decide to be funny and wear matching outfits but their outfits were never the same color, they did this since they are twins and it's funny.

Pajamas day happen.

"You're literally wearing a tee shirt and sleep pants. "Said Crow.

"This is what I normally wear to be. "Said Dare.

Then Dare say "We all don't wear eye masks to bed." 

Crow rolled his eyes.

Crow had on a pink and white matching pajamas set, long pink and white sleep pants with a matching shirt, he had a robe on that matched his outfit and wore pink sneakers.

Crow met up with his friends and Rama.

Rama had on flannels.

One of their classmates made a comment about how Crow is dating a punk guy and his brother is a punk guy.

"So ."Said Crow.

"Isn't that weird. "

"Why is it weird, Dare isn't the only punk Asian guy in the freaking world stop trying to make stuff weird."

Rama is punk but he and Dare don't dress alike.

Rama dresses more grunge skater punk while Dare is more Goth punk.

Dare wears gothic boots while Rama has no desire to wear them outside of a costume.

They have similar views but that's it.

Also Rama loves working on motorcycles and is into trying to make a car that is safe for the environment for people who don't want to ride a bus or a train.

Dare isn't into motorcycles or cars, he's more into working in the medical field, he wants to be a nurse when he's older.

Dare isn't into the whole flames on a jacket thing it's not his thing while Rama plans on decoration a jacket with flames for Crow's birthday present.

When book day arrived.

"Leave it to you to dress up as a princess. "Said Dare.

"It would be weird if I didn't ."Said Crow.

Crow and Rama were dressing up as the main characters of a fairytale book.

While Dare was dressing up as a witch but then decided to do one of those couple costumes with Ryker.

End of flashback.

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