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JK ~~

Days went by and not a single call or text from Lynn she didn't even turn on her phone yet. in the back of my mind I actually believe that she's dead but there was still hope that she's alive, my cousin isn't the type to just automatically kill someone, he'll play with he's meal before devouring them and that's why I feel that Lynn is still breathing.

"Appa~" Kira shouted from the doorway, "Princess come here" holding up my arms as she ran to me wrapping her small arms around my neck swaying her around gently while she giggled in joy. Times like this I only wish of being with her with our kids running around with no hardship or drama in our little happiness. "When is umma coming back?" She ask innocently, "Soon" I told her but honestly I don't really know when will we find her all I'm hoping is for her to be strong in front of Taeil. If she shows any weakness she's done for.

A knock on the door echoed in the room as I shifted my gaze at its direction, leaning on it was Yoongi one of the person that has a thing for Lynn and now he's totally hooked up with Rissa, tho I forgot to tell him that he's ex will be coming here soon, let it be a surprise. "Kira can you excuse us for a minute baby" putting her down on the floor "Okays" she says she fist pump Yoongis and left the room. "What is it hyung?" I ask not really wanting to hear anything else. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean for my feelings to get the best of me, I - I shouldn't have .."

"Save it, apology accepted..I don't need to know what you and Lynn did, all I want is just to find her" I said biting my tongue from the inside. "So what we're good now?" He ask "Yeah~" I simply said. Knowing that we all make mistake and does really stupid things with each other we always seem to forgive and forget that's why our bond is strong even if I want to kill V for poisoning her and having sex with her, unless he explain to me why he did it I would forgive him as long as he wont do it again.

"Well sorry again" he said pursing he's lips as he headed out the door.

Taking a nap 20 min later when something started caressing my chest, I jolted out of bed rubbing my vision and finally seeing Rissa sitting on my bed "Ri-Rissa? What the hell are you doing here and where is Yoongi?" I ask shifting my gaze from left to right. "SHHHH~ he's sleeping, I was bored so I came here." She says shrugging off her shoulders. Not again why does every girl come to me can't they leave me alone and realize that I love Lynn and only her. "I'm sorry Rissa but we can't do this ever, your with Yoongi and you should be with him" I said holding my head in frustration "I guess your right, I'm sorry again.. I didn't mean to" she says standing as she starts to head out without me saying anything else.

YG ~~

I followed Rissa going inside Jung Kooks room she was in there for quiet some time now but came out five minutes later, someone called her fishing out her phone in her pocket as she placed it near her ear. I couldn't hear much but the only audible words escaped her lips were 'Yes sir and No sir' once she was done she placed back the phone in her pocket then turned around shocked to see me standing leaning against the wall eyeing her.

"Yoongi~ you scared me" she says holding on her heart. "Who were you calling?" I ask suspiciously "Just my dad" she said and I could tell she was anxious about something by the way she looked around her surrounding she then walked away leaving me more suspicious of her. "Rissa who are you?" I whispered her name to no one in particular.

My phone vibrated from inside my pocket as I reach in to grab it, it was from an anonymous number.


"It's nice to hear your voice again" her sweet voice echoed through the speaker, I thought for a moment trying to decipher who the voice belonged to then every memories of her washed up in front of me. I could hear her faint sobbing "He-hey don't cry" I told her knowing that she won't be able to get out of the hospital till she gets herself checked up.

And then the line disconnected. "Hello!" I yelled hoping she'd call be back, but nothing she's gone.


*Phew* that was a close one, I have to keep my eye on Yoongi knowing that he'll keep an eye on me since that incident happened earlier. My cover could've been blown all thanks to him, i have to make him in my side that way he won't suspect me for anything.

You know what they all say keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

So I changed the chapters and now it's much longer, it's a short update for today but next time will be much longer and Yoongi ex will be appearing soon but I still don't know which idol would play Yoongi ex~ if you have any suggestions don't be afraid to type it down ^^ if no one can think of anyone I'll try someone suitable for him :) in the mean time please Read, Vote and Comment ^^


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