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I know what she meant when she said those words but the problem is how am I or we going to escape when a psychotic cousin wants to ruin our lives once he gets he's hands on the money. Where nothing compared to him, he's more vile then the rest of the family. I glanced back at Areum "Is there a reason why he's doing all this?" I whispered. She only nodded in response "Well why is he?" I questioned her, hoping that she'll tell.

"He's supposed to be the heir of the family throne, but when Jung Kook was born they decided to make him the heir instead, and that made Taeil really upset it's like he's having the time of he's life when suddenly someone ends up ruining it all you know? Kind of like how you ruined my relationship with Jung Kook, but I'm fine now I've learn to accept that he's no longer mine" she says sighing deeply.

"But he told me that Jungkook had to be married for him to be a heir.." I told her.

Tsk* "Part of it is true, but he didn't marry you just so he could fulfill his duty. He was already the heir to begin with, Taeil is just salty and wants's simple. Taeil is just using as a decoy, something to make Jungkook squirm in fear. Seeing him not have you is like taking a candy from a baby" she said

"I-I'm sorry for what I've done" I told her, which is true because it was my fault that she's like this, it's my fault that her daughter now calls me umma and it's my fault for taking Jung Kook away from her. "It's fine, I'm over it... thanks to Taehyung he took care of me when no one would" she says looking down at her feet. "Yeah ~ Taehyung is a good guy just does bad decisions once in awhile" I muttered.

"Like you? And I?" She snickered

I too chuckled a bit, because it's true all of us are pretty messed up.

The door bursted open revealing Taeil and Taehyung walking towards us. "We'll be down in the dungeon" Taeil told us as they both walked down a rusted locked door. "I bet there going to search for that money" Areum says as she got up from the couch heading upstairs.

Before I could say anything she disappeared into the dark.

"Mommy!!" I heard my name call as one of my twin girls came rushing down from their rooms. "What is it baby?" I ask "Look what I found" she says as she pulled out a golden necklace underneath her shirt. "Wow it's really beautiful" I told her and it was, a gold shaped heart with a red rose pigmented on the middle of the heart, it almost looked like an old locket from the 1700 old rusty but it was still in perfect condition.


Me and Taeil headed downstairs to the dungeon and yes we have one, this is where we used to slaughter people and make them die quietly and slowly, sometimes screams can be heard from upstairs the crying or people in agony filled the mansion it was music to our ears at that time and now we could possibly be part of them.

"Okay I got the map of the mansion, and it could be somewhere inside the walls or underneath us, either way we better get a shovel & bomb this place down" he says while circling and marking things on the map. I simply nodded at he's request, grabbing a shovel as I started digging without any help from Mr. Evil.

JK ~~

I sat down on the rolling chair as I was in deep thoughts, something was simply wrong and I'm not sure what it was but I just have that weird feeling about the money that my father claims there would be in the mansion, could be just a lie or there is but why didn't he show us when he was still alive, we could've guarded with our lives and that one person can use those money to kill all of us, with that much power he'll make us he's slaves he can bribe the police to be by he's side and will do anything to ruin us. I will not let that happen.

I was seven years old at that time and my mother and father was having an anniversary party, they were having the time of their lives when my father got up from he's seat as he took out a rectangle box, he then walked behind her back taking out a golden necklace shaped like a heart, my mom was very happy and overjoyed my father said that the necklace is worth more than the value.

I finally woke up from my dream as I knew what the necklace symbolize "True love is worth more than the value of the money" I said to myself. This is it I thought. Abruptly getting of the chair as banged each of there doors. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP ALL OF YOU!" I shouted, each one of my brothers got out of their rooms looking at me in confusion.

"What's all the yelling about" Jimin whined as he scratch the back of he's head.

"We have to go back to Korea!" I told them. "What why? What's going on?" Nam Joon says leaning on the wall.

"I think I know where the money is? But it's technically not cash it's more than that .. It's a necklace shaped of a heart, my mother wore it on her anniversary it's worth a fortune but the value is nothing compared to love, that's what my father said to my mother, and Taeil doesn't know that! If we find that necklace before he does we can finally move back to the mansion without the cops telling us to leave the place" I told them, it's our home I'll do anything to protest the family name even if it means killing my own blood line.

"Well what the hell are we waiting for lets go find that necklace" J-hope says in excitement.

So if you haven't read my new story (FAN BTS Nam Joon) go ahead, check it out and tell me what you guys think ^^ in the meantime please don't for get to Read, Vote and Comment :) ~~

Note~ it's so weird that some pictures are not showing. It sucks actually, it seems like it just disappeared. :/


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