Ch. 42💀

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She held the gun pressing it deeper on my forehead, if she keeps this up I'll have a mark on it for awhile. Staring at her blankly not a care if she'll shoot me or not because I know deep down there is a little bit of the Lynn inside of this girl I'll play her little game whatever it is. She stared at me in confusion probably thinking why I'm so calm about about this very bad situation we're in, but I find it very enjoyable to witness.

She pulled off the gun putting it back on the desk next to my bed, i sat back up leaning against the bed wall while she sat on my lap.

"You're no fun" she says pouting. I only chuckled at her attempt to kill me but I knew she wouldn't do it she's keeping us alive for whatever reasons. She rolled to lay next to me took off her shirt witnessing her bodacious body, she then pulled the blankets up to her chest heaving quietly playing with her thumb, she stared off to somewhere around the room thinking hard about something, but I'd rather not find out what she's thinking right now.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" She says twisting her body to me. I sigh a bit having that deep thoughts wheatear I should let her stay or not, but then again I'm not the one getting my ass kicked if they find out she's in my room.

"Jungkook is going be upset" I told her tiredly, my eyes were feeling heavy trying to talk to her as much as I can so if she does fall asleep then I'll take her back in her room.

"Oppa ~" she says extending her arm landing it on my chest as she circled her finger on my shirt, her head nuzzled on the crook of my neck while my arm rested on her bare skin, she wasn't fully naked but only had her shorts and bra on.

"Go to sleep already" putting up a whine, she giggled at my actions then slowly she fell asleep as for me I didn't feel like getting up anymore so I slept with her next to me. It's wrong that were doing this again but at least I'm not fucking her like before but still this is just bad.

I woke up early then I expected trying to move but I couldn't since Lynn was still sleeping on me, i then slowly got up going to the side of her picking her up bridal style taking her back to her room. "I hope you'll be back to your normal self again kid" lazily putting the strand of hair behind her.

JK ~~

It was breakfast time getting up off the bed walking towards Lynn's room, when I held on the handle it was open, I guess I forgot to lock it last night I thought.

Entering her room was really eerie and quiet it had that haunted modern room feel to it with the red curtains, white marbled floor black wooden desk and drawers and white creamy wall. She was sleeping peacefully but one thing that caught my attention was that she's half naked as if someone played with her, shaking my head at the thoughts because there's no way they would toy with her ..would they?

"Why are you even half naked" I whispered while looking at her, somehow she must've heard me since she was starting to wake up slowly, letting out a moan while rubbing her eyes. She got up turning her head side by side wondering why she's in her room, when she saw me her she didn't seem pleased more like an irritated expression.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask breaking the awkwardness that's lighting up the room. "Actually I did" she says grabbing a clean t-shirt putting it over her.

"Uhm.. Why were you naked" feeling a bit nervous at what she'll respond, but I hope she has a good reason to be naked in the first place. "Uh uh.. It was hot last night" she says awkwardly scratching her head. Pursing my lips nodding at her suspiciously.

"Well let's go eat breakfast" I said lacing my fingers with her's she didn't hesitate to do the same as she smiled at me.

We both sat next to each other on the dining table while each one of the members came tiredly downstairs to breakfast. Jin hyung woke up early to make breakfast since he has a meeting soon, he placed bibimbap in front of us with miso soup and orange juice on the side.

Yoongi came in a bit later still tired as ever he sat across from me and Lynn, when he sat down she abruptly got up and sat next to him. "Oppa did you sleep well?" she ask sweetly at him. He only smiled at her warmly as he simply took a bite of he's food. I eyed them carefully and I was bit pissed off and confused to why are they so friendly..way to friendly. When he has a tiny stain on the side of he's lips she wiped the side of it. "Thanks" he says and continued to eat, I on the other hand had lost appetite as I simply stood up walking away from them.

_______( free time )______
V ~~

I wonder what his problem was, I then glanced around the table and finally realized that Yoongi and Lynn have been very nice to each other, it's like that incident from before didn't even happen.

Ahh is Lynn is trying to get Jung Kook jealous? Well if it is it's working, and why would she even do that anyways, I went upstairs to check up on him. He smoked a cigarette while watching videos on the computer, "What's wrong with Lynn?" I ask him bluntly. He turned around to face me puffing the smoke as it evaporates in the air "I'm so lost right now, I don't even know what do to with her, she's so different now that I just ..I just don't know anymore" he says sighing in defeat.

"Well she isn't Lynn.. so if she does something behind you're back, might as well bitch slap her, like before" I told him. He looked at me if I was serious about the whole thing, flashing him a grin "You want me to beat her up?" he says chuckling at the idea. "If it'll make her come to her senses then ..Yes" I said. I pulled his wrist taking him outside of his room and into the bowling room where the rest of the guys were there having fun especially Lynn who could not stop talking to Yoongi.

"Why the hell does she keep talking to him?" Jungkook says annoyingly. Shrugging it off as I headed to hug Areum.

JK ~~

I was beginning to get all pissed off at the sight of them talking so well it actually hurts to see them together even though Yoongi says he wouldn't go after Lynn anymore.

Walking towards them pulling Lynn to the side "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!" she yelled. Wow she hasn't said those kinds of words to me before, she now has confidence to yell back at me. The new her is really killing me, I don't like it I feel like a weakling and I don't want to feel that way. "I don't like the idea of you talking to Yoongi hyung, you can be friends with him but not very very close, he's married if you haven't figured that out yet" I told her calmly. "You're not the boss of me, you can't tell me who to talk and who to not talk to! You don't control me!" she growled.

And that was enough for me to slap her face hard. She held on her red burning cheeks then eyed me with hatred and anger "Lynn... wait no I've finally realize that your not the real Lynn, whoever you are just let Lynn go! I want the real her back!" I shouted which made everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Bitch Lynn isn't coming back ..get used to the new her because the stupid weak little girl is gone" she says covering her mouth holding her laugh.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm her ..inner demon, which you can't get rid of me that easily you fucking moron, so Jeon Jung Kook, slap me, hit me, beat me as much as you want but know this ...your not just beating me up your beating your precious girl" she slyly smiled.

Omg school is almost starting 😪 but it's all good since I only have one class to go to, and hopefully I'll get a job soon wherever it may be. Anyways I hope you like the chapter ^^ so in the meantime please read, vote and comment:)


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