Chapter 11

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Lauren's POV
My mom had already left and me and Hayes went in and saw 8 boys tackling each other and playing loud music. I just stood in spot and stared. Not in the good way though, I was a little freaked out and I think Hayes noticed me so he screamed.
"SHUT UP!" The boys looked at me.
"HAYES GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" I didn't know from who that came from but Hayes was blushing.
They introduced themselves.
  "Hello, you must be Lauren," a tall cute boy with the same blue eyes that Hayes had. "I'm Nash," he introduced the others. "That's Cameron, Carter, Jack and Jack, Shawn, Taylor, Matthew is coming later." I smiled and waved, and then noticed Jack G. His jawline is so damn perfect! Oh, my gosh am I having a girly moment for the first time!? Is that a good thing?
Hayes brought me to the dining room and we sat next to each other and studied for 5 minutes until the silent was broken by Nash.
  "You guys have all week to study! Come join us, we are thinking of playing games or watching a movie." Hayes looked at me and I nodded and we walked to the living room.
  "Things tend to get a little crazy when we play games." he said.
"Let's play dare or dare!" Cam screamed!
  "Can I call my friend over?" I asked shyly.
  "Of course!"Hayes said.
I called Priscilla.
  "Hey girl! I'm at Hayes's place and I'm the only girl here, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and keep me company? I-" I was interrupted by Nash.
  "Are we not good enough company for you?!" I heard some "yeas" and I saw them nod.
  "Like I was saying, I can come pick you up." she agreed.
"I can't drive, so who's gonna bring me?" I asked.
"We could all go and after we pick up your friend we could go out for dinner and then play when we come back?" Cameron suggested.
"Ok!" I wasn't totally shy around them anymore...
Ok, Ok I sort of, kinda like Jack, but he's older and probably doesn't feel the same way. Mom would probably freak out!
"Shotgun!" I yell.
  "Damn." I turned and saw Jack G say, I giggled.
  "I need to tell you the directions anyway." I answered.
We got into 2 cars. I walked in front of her house and rang the doorbell.
Priscilla was adopted 3 months before me so I didn't see her that much.
  "Prissy, I missed you much!" I hugged her.
  "Those are Hayes's friends in the cars." I said.
"Ok!" She answered in her usual happy voice.
  She was also sleeping at Hayes's house even though her parents didn't know him, they trust me to take care of her even if we are the same age.
I walked into her house and helped her pack for the next day. When we got back to the cars I saw that Hayes toke me seat in the front.
  "Hayes, you toke my spot!" I said.
"We didn't think about where your friend was going to sit..." Hayes said.
"Well you can sit on my lap?" Taylor said.
  "I'm going to crush you!" I answered.
The truth is, I was pretty light and skinny because I wasn't fed that much at the orphanage.
"A little girl like you can't crush a man like me." he said as a joke.
I went in and sat on Taylor's lap.
"Don't worry, you could feel my abs." he said.
I laughed and switched to the person next to him because he sat on the right and Priscilla sat in the middle so I sat on Jack G's lap.
"Hayes, where are we going to eat?" I asked.
  "We could go to Taco Bell?!" he added excitedly. We all nodded and Hayes texted the others in the other car.
  "Nash said Matts gonna meet us there." he said.
I thought about the time I met a guy named Matt at Disney but what would be the odds?!
  "How long until we get there?" I asked, because don't get me wrong, sitting on Jacks lap was amazing, but it wasn't that comfortable.
We got there and we all got out of the car.
"Matt's already inside." Hayes said.
We walked in and my jaw dropped....
AN (authors note)
So sorry for the long wait! And I hope that you enjoyed this chapter because I had fun writing it! So basically I'm bringing in Hayes quote on quote gang. So basically the old Magcon gang, I know they are no longer together but apparently they are thinking about getting back together which is amazing! These chapters will be mostly about Hayes and his friends with Lauren! Don't worry I'm still going to include the Jenners-Kardashians clan in the story so I will be writing more frequently. Patricia is my co-writer. I know that magcon people don't all hang out together anymore but let's pretend they see each other a lot.

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