Chapter 36

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Lauren's POV
*Snap! Snap!*  "Mawguhtoperd"  I groaned. I heard some snickering. "Huh?" I saw Michael with his phone taking pictures of Calum and I asleep, while Luke and Aston stood behind him, trying not to laugh. "Guys! I thought I trusted you!" I yelled, causing Calum to be woken up. "Huh?" he then muttered something that sounds like "Fxck you all". I got up and got dressed in the clothes I wore yesterday, then my phone started blowing up with notifications from Instagram, well, more than before, that is. I opened the app and saw that Michael posted a picture of Calum and I, from this morning. I stared at the screen wide eyed. "MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" I yelled. "WHAT!?" he yelled back. "YOU POSTED THAT PICTURE OF CALUM AND I!?" I yelled as I walked up to him. "Maybe..." he mumbled. "He did what!?" I heard Calum scream from another room. "This idiot posted a picture of you and I." I was upset but relived at the same time. "Screw it." I mumbled, I grabbed Calum's face and smashed my lips into his. Surprisingly he kissed back. "Umm..." Michael said as he backed up from us as we were still making out. He kissed back. He, Calum Hood, kissed me back. He started to hold my body, as I closed my eyes. I could smell his faint scent of clean laundry, as I rubbed my hand through his hair. We gazed into each other's eyes, I could see his beautiful brown eyes, as he stared into mine's. "Hey guys, look at this b- woah, um, okay...should I be leaving?" Luke asked in shock. I quickly snapped out of our little moment and blushed like crazy. "Uh, I just came to get my, um, free pen, yah, my free pen..." Calum replied slowly, yet with a tint of rush in his voice. He looked in my eyes for a split second, I knew he didn't want to end the kiss, and so did I. Michael and Luke just stared at both of us, exchanging questioning looks, here and then. "Guys, just got the best f- oh..." Ashton came skipping in. He stared at the four of us, standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "Did I, miss something?" he asked slowly, inspecting all of our faces. Before any of the boys can answer, I ran out of the door crying. What was I thinking? I just got over - well, sorta - my first serious relationship and now I'm thinking of another one?! I just ran out of the lobby and into the streets. I took my phone out and called my mom.

  "Hello?" "Mom, I'm sorry." I cried. "What happened?" she asked worriedly. "You said no funny business! And well... I made out with Calum!" I cried even harder. "Calm down Lauren. Look, I'm not saying I'm not mad at you, but it's not completely your fault." "What do  you mean?" I asked. "We'll talk about it in person. Just, where are you. " she asked. "I don't know... I sorta ran." I said. "Call Calum and tell him now you actually feel." she suggested. "Over the phone?" I asked. "No, in person." she explained."Oh yah, and I found this cute temporary pent house! But no dogs aloud so Clara will stay at Kourt's place." "Oh ok... Bye Mom." I mumbled and hung up. I looked around a little to see my surroundings, oh! I see a Starbucks! I quickly walked to the Starbucks and got inside, first things first I need to freshen up. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes puffy and red. I wiped my tears and put my head up. I'm Lauren Jenner, I won't be put down by boys. I repeated in my head and headed out the door. I walked to the cashier and got myself a cotton candy frap. I sat down at a little table at the end and scrolled through my Twitter. I read a bunch of comments saying 'Omg! She just broke up with Hayes! Now she's with Calum Hood! He's way older then her!' and others saying 'I honestly think Calum would be really good for Lauren! Keep your head up Lauren' and I smiled at all the nice things people tweeted until my phone was taken away. "Hey what the hell?!" I yelled and grabbed back phone and flipped the person. Yah that's right, I flipped him. "What the hell!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Oh my God, Luke, I'm so sorry!" I helped him up and patted his shoulder. "Don't mess with me next time." I warned. "I know..." he rolled his eyes but ended up cracking in a fit of laughter. "Are you alone?" I asked. "Yah, we all separated to find you. Somehow I knew you would be here." he smiled and we sat down. I looked in his eyes and noticed how blue they were. "Enjoying the view?" Luke asked laughing. "You wish, I'm just noticing your eyes. They're really blue." I smiled. "Thanks, I like your umm... I like your lips, big and plump." he said making a kissy face. I scrunched up his face with one hand. "I guess I should tell the guys I found you." he said awkwardly. "I guess." I mumbled. He grabbed his phone and dialled someone's number."Hey Cal, I found her." he said and after that I zoned out. I grabbed my phone and toke some selfies with awesome selfie lighting from the sun. "Having fun there?" I heard Calum ask. I looked up and wanted to cry again. "Look Cal, I'm sorry. I just... You're a really sweet guy and any girl would be lucky to have y-" he didn't let me finish. "Then be that girl." he whispered. "What else is stopping you? Is it Hayes?" he asked. "It's not just Hayes! It's Shawn, Jack and Sammy!" I said. "Please just give me a chance." he pleaded. I just couldn't say no to him, I ran up and hugged him. "Yes," I whispered in his ear. "I will."

  I ran, and I ran, not knowing a single bit of where I was going. I just ran. "Lauren!" I could hear voices saying. I ignored them and ran, tears running down my face. I began running faster and faster, until I came to an abrupt halt. I saw Calum with his arms wide open. "Lauren, Lauren." he would say, over and over again. I turned around to run the other way, but I find Hayes there, doing the exact same things a Calum. I soon found myself surrounded by boys. Luke, Michael, Calum, Ashton, Hayes, Sammy, Shawn, you name it. "Lauren, Lauren, Lauren!" Their unknown voices kept getting louder and louder, even sounding more possessed. I screamed. I didn't know what to do anymore. I was soon gonna be trampled by boys. I felt like they were overpowering me, like I couldn't do anything about it, except to scream. They were all staring at me, without blinking their eyes. "Mom! Mom!" I screamed, but no one came to save me. I started to fall on y knees, and cried. "Lauren! Lauren!" I could feel them shaking me and touching me with their lifeless hands. "Lauren.....shh its okay, its okay..." 

  I soon woke up with Mom hugging me in an unfamiliar bed. I got up and just sobbed my eyes out, on her shoulder, without saying a single word.

#Lalum! Yay! Patricia and I are making sure to be on track now! And I had a test today that I'm 100% sure I failed! Woo! Let's hope I passed anyways! Love you all and stay positive!

Hello! I'm sorry about how crappy the kissing scene was.... I'm the worse at writing smut and PDA scenes... Me also helped me write a part of this chapter, so let's give her a big standing ovation! Also, this all happened because we need it for the upcoming chapters and stuff, kinda the whole plot of the story maybe... I don't know. So this is kinda just a filler chapter...

PS guys we hit 23k views!! (And 770 votes) thank you guys so much!😘😘😘❤️❤️ and the book is sadly, almost coming to an end. So sadz, we know 😭😭 But, on the bright side, we will be hopefully writing a sequel!

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