Chapter 22

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Lauren's POV

I knocked on the front door and the door opened, only to show the guy I met yesterday! The one and only Nate Maloley. I smiled and let myself in and turned around to face him. "Sure... Come in..." he said chuckling to the fact that I let myself in like I owned the place. (Cuz I'm boss!) I smiled and went straight to the living room to see all the guys plus Sammy, and now Nate, that entered the room. I sat on Cams lap. "So guys! I have great news!" I said excitedly, grabbing everyone's attention. "So I got a particular call from Teen Vogue asking if I wanted to pose for the cover!!" I screamed. "Oh my gosh Lauren that's amazing!" Hayes said picking me up from Cams lap and twirling me around the room as we both laughed. He set me down and we just looked inside each other's eyes. I got extremely lost in his beautiful blue eyes. We both got cut off from are little scene by some coughing. "Ummm..." I said stuttering. "Well! I should get going I have to tell Pat the great news!" I said quickly. "Wait but you just got here!" Hayes said looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I thought for a second "I should tell Pat, but then again, it's not like she'll be that mad if I didn't tell her right away! Right...?" I got cut off by my thoughts. "How about a celebratory lunch and then we can drop you off at Patricia's house?" Nash suggested.  "Yah! Sure why not! So where are we eating?!" I exclaimed.

We all headed to two separate cars all heading to a small café. Half way through the ride I spotted a Starbucks and really wanted some like asap pronto (Nash's vine be like 'Halla!') "STOP THE CAR!!!" I screamed as the car came to a complete stop "Why, whats wrong!?" Gilinsky asked from the drivers seat. "I just wanted Starbucks..." I said bluntly. Everyone gave me a look like 'what the hell is wrong with you?' I gave them an innocent look. "Well are we gonna go or not?" I said pointing at a parking spot. We all got out and the guys in the other car as well are looking hella confused. "Why did we stop at a Starbucks? You basically just stopped in the middle of the road." Cam said. "Miss Princess wanted Starbucks and screamed to stop the car. I, of course stopped, thinking it was something important, but she just wanted Starbucks." Gilinsky said, looking at me amusingly. "I really, really, really, really, really want some Starbucks, so can we go now!" I asked impatiently pointing at the door and we all walked in. I ran to the line and finally got to the front "Hi what would you like!?" the barista asked all perky and such "I would like a s'mores frap and what do you guys want?" I said looking at the guys. They all ordered and we sat down with are drinks. "Lauren Jenner?! No way!" I heard a girl with a perky voice say behind me. I turned around and saw a really pretty girl standing with bright eyes. "Hi..." I answered annoyed. "Sorry about her, she's a little moody today." Nash said and I just rolled my eyes. I felt bad for being rude. "I'm sorry about that... So what's your name?" I said trying to stay calm. "I'm Sireena." she answered. I just smiled and nodded. "Cute name! So... Do you want a picture or something?" I asked annoyingly again. "Lauren!" Sammy yelled. "Sorry, I'll be back!" I said going to the bathroom. I just looked at myself in the mirror "What the hell is going on with you?!" I heard a voice behind me say.

I'm a horrible person!!!!! I'm so sorry I have been busy with school and all that jazz! So who's the mysterious person?!?!? Cliffhanger!

TOMOROWWW IS THE SEASON PREMIERE OF DWTSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! (This is Patricia btw I'm editing rn) I also like scones and holo glitter 😂😂😇😇😀😀😀

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