Chapter 37

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Lauren's POV
I hugged Mom, still crying from my dream.
"Shhh, tell me what happened." she whispered.
"I was hearing my name! And I saw Calum and Hayes both calling for me! I just didn't know who to go to!" I sobbed.
"It's ok baby, it was just a dream" she whispered still hugging me. I looked up at her and smiled.
"Thank you for changing my life." I said.
"Oh my God honey! Thank you for changing my life." she smiled.
"I know what you need! A new hairstyle!" she smiled with glee.
"What? You want me to change my hair as in dye it again?" I asked.
"No, more like wigs. I wore a lot of wigs when I was younger! It made me feel refreshed and I loved feeling different and the best part was that I could always go back to my real hair!" she explained with a smile.
"That sounds good." I said.
"Well, we could call my wig guy." she said.
"Your wig guy?" I laughed.
"Yah! He makes me my wigs! He's amazing!" she laughed.
"Ok" I smiled.
"Let's go give him a call." she stated and we both walked to her room and sat down.
She gave this guy called Tokyo my style and stuff and he said he had the perfect ideas. Mom thought it would be a good idea if I debut my new hair at the some award thing that I'm gonna be hosting! I know, stupid them for trusting me. I mean, I'll probably trip on the way to the stage! Anyway, I already knew what I was wearing and I was so excited! I went back to my room and decided to call Calum.
"Hey Cal." I sang.
"Hey babe." I laughed.
"I feel weird calling you that." I laughed again.
  "Wanna maybe keep this whole thing a secret for now?" he asked.
  "Oh my God, thank God! I thought I had to ask you!" I laughed.
  "You're so cute." he said and I blushed.
  "Yah yah." I said.
  "Anyways, the guys and I heard that you could sing, am I correct?" he asked.
  "I sorta sing," I blushed. "Only like Mom and her friends have heard me! Oh yah an-and Hayes and the guys..." I finished, regretting my last sentence.
"Oh, well as your boyfriend I should hear you sing! Come over and come to the recording studio with us! It'll be fun." he persuaded.
  "I don't know... I don't want to really sing in front of people." I said awkwardly.
  "Please" he begged.
"Fine" I gave in.
I went to my room and got changed into my reindeer sweater for this lovely Christmas month! I wore my skinny jeans and cute little boots, for more holiday spirit I put on my Christmas cat ears! I put my hair in a messy bun, and for my makeup I did a glittery smokey sort of eye and for my lips I did a pinkish peach colour.

I headed to my car and texted Mom I was meeting Calum, and no, she doesn't know we're dating, she just thinks we're really close friends. I made my way to the recording studio and went in.
  "Hello, I'm looking for 5 Seconds of Summer." I said politely at the secretary.
  "Are they expecting you?" she said rudely and all I needed to do it take of my sunglasses. She quickly noticed me and I smirked.
  "Oh my! Yes, they are expecting you. I'm sorry for my behaviour." she said quickly, letting me through to the floor they were at.
I walked to the studio and saw them all sitting at a couch.
  "Hey, hey, hey!" I said in a sing song voice.
  "Hey Lauren! I heard you were hosting this year's music awards!" Ashton said.
  "Yup! And I'm wearing huge ass heals, let's hope I don't fall off stage." I laughed.
"So... You go first!" Calum yelled, pointing at the recording room thing.
I slowly walked in.
"Ok, so I'm gonna make you sing Focus by Ariana Grande because you can hit all the high notes...or so I've heard..." he said with a huge grin.
I sang the whole song perfectly and the boys stated in awe at me. I looked at them for a minute and got out of the room.
  "Was it bad?" I asked.
  "Oh my goodness, no! You were fantastic! How come you don't sing in front of people?" Michael asked.
  "I don't know... I'm shy I guess..." I blushed.
  "Well you should 'cause you're amazing!" Calum said hugging me and they all hugged me.
  "Ok, ok, enough with touching my girlfriend!" Calum said. The boys already knew and they also knew it was a secret, but fans were suspecting things, obviously, because of Michael. Damn you Michael.
We talked a bit more and I heard the guys record some new songs. It's currently 2:35 and I should be heading home now.
  "Guys, I should get going" I smile and wave.
  "Bye Lauren!" they all say.
As I make my way to the door a hand takes my wrist gently stoping me. The hand turns me around and dips me in a kiss.
  "Bye Lauren." Calum whispers at me as I laugh and make my way out.

I drove home safely and once I got to the door I heard excited scream. I opened the door and saw Mom and aunt Kendall running towards me.
"We got you your dress for the award show and it's fabulous!" aunt Kendall yelled.
  "Awesome! Can I see it?" I asked.
"No way. It's gonna be a surprise! I'm sure you're gonna love it!" Mom says.
  "Oh and by the way, loving the cat ears and the sweater." aunt Kendall winked.
I headed to my room and went to my laptop and Skyped Priscilla.
"Hey!" I smiled.
  "Hello, my dear celebrity friend." she laughed.
  "So... What up? Any news about boys?" she asked and I suddenly froze.
"What aren't you telling me?" she asked.
  "What'd you mean?" I said quickly.
"Don't lie to me! I've known you for as long as I remember!" she pointed out.
  "I'll tell you when you get back, I promise." I said.
"Fine, I gotta go." she mumbled and hung up.
  "Was it wrong of me not to tell her?" I whispered to myself.
  I went to the kitchen and saw Mom and Tyga cooking something.
  "So... What are you making?" I asked.
"Your mother went to a cooking class and thinks she can make sushi." Tyga laughed.
"I don't think, I know." Mom spat out, making me laugh.
"Can I tell you guys something?" I asked.
  "Sure, you can tell us at the dinner table." she winked.
"Wait we're actually gonna use the dinner table?" I asked surprised.
"Yah!" she said, continuing her sushi.
  "I'm almost done, so you can go sit at the table now." she pointed at the dinning room.
  I walked to the dinning table and took out my phone to text Calum.

Bae: I'm gonna tell my parents

Babe: Really?! You sure?

Bae: I don't want to lie to my mom and my soon to be dad

Babe: Oh ok, good luck and call me right after ❤️

  He's so sweet. Mom came to the table with two huge plates filled with sushi.
"Not bad, Mom." I smiled.
"Duh." she laughed.
"Ha ha ha, ok now what did you wanna tell us?" Tyga asked.
"Umm, well, I'm dating Calum Hood..." I said awkwardly.
"What?!" Mom shot up, surprised.
  "I thought I told you to tell him how you feel." she sat up and so did I.
  "And I tried, but I realized that I liked him. A lot." I said.
"He's 19, you're 15. You're still my baby, you can barely drive and I don't want you to grow up so fast!" she yelled sadly, not meaning to sound mean.
  I looked down at Tyga who was still sitting, watching us and debating who's side to take.
"Babe, remember when we were younger? I was older the you. By a lot, but that didn't stop us." he said getting up putting a hand on Mom's shoulder.
  I gave him a thankful smile and he nodded.
"But I'm not my mom, and I say no. You aren't allowed to see Calum anymore." she said.
  "What!? This is so unfair! I came here because I thought I should tell you, and you banned me from seeing him! Our relationship was suppose to be a secret but I wanted to tell you because I thought that you would understand!" I yelled.
    "I said no, and that's final!" she yelled back.

  "This is so unfair." I whispered.
  I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. I grabbed my phone and called Calum.
   "Calum! I told them and," I just started crying. "They didn't like it did they," he sighed. "I'm banned from seeing you, I'm so sorry Cal." I whispered.
   "It's not your fault, Lauren." Cal said.
   "I understand if you wanna break up with me." he said with a hint of sadness and hurt.
   "No Cal, I'm not letting my mom get between us," I cried."I wanna see you." I whispered.
  "I'm coming." he said and hung up.
I opened my window wide open and waited. I eventually fell asleep in my bed, until I felt my bed dip.
   "Shh, it's just me, babygirl." Calum whispered in my ear.
  "Hi." I smiled up at him.
  "Shh, you'll wake your mom." he said kissing my cheek.
  "What time is it?" I asked quietly.
  "11:38," he said. "Go back to sleep sweetheart." he draped his arm over my waist and I snuggled up closer to him and fell asleep.

Yayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayyayayayayayayyayayayayayayayyayayay! Thank you everyone who have been voting and commenting, I love responding to comments! So keep commenting and voting thank you!

(P.s. Patricia changed the writing look. Tell me if you want me to change it because it's bothering the shit out of me so... I'll probably change it)

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