Chapter 34

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Lauren's POV
  "What is this?!" Hayes screamed as he barged through the door, with Pat, innocently eating her ice cream from the couch, observing. He pushed his phone in my face. I could see it is a picture of Luke and I, when he was holding my hand from the paparazzi, with the title, Lauren Jenner and Luke Hemmings, holding hands? "It was nothing, I swear!" I answered quickly, hoping he would believe me. "Really? Really Lauren?! Nothing?! He was holding your hand and covering your face! How is that nothing?!" Hayes practically yelled so loud, I'm pretty sure the whole neighbourhood heard, but I don't care. How could he not trust me? "Oh, so you want me to be trampled by paparazzi? I thought you were a great boyfriend, but I guess I'm wrong!" I threw me hands up in the hair in defence. "Then why were you hugging him in the car?!" Hayes shouted so hard, I feel like Tokyo can hear it. Mom and Tyga were already standing in the corner of the room, watching our fight. I already had tears running down my face while his was red from anger, but I can tell he has tears formed into his eyes to. I stutter something even I couldn't understand. "Oh, so you have no excuse this time?" Hayes said like I always have one. Patricia had enough. She stood up and slapped Hayes's face. Hard. "Don't you dare say that to my best friend!" She yelled in his face. "If you knew her well enough, you would know every single reason, big and small, on why he held her hand," she dumped her jug of ice cream in his head. Wow. She never does that to her food. "But, I guess you don't know her well enough!" She started putting caramel syrup on him. Wait, where did she get that? "By the way, you owe me ice cream!" Ah, there's the Pat I know. "Come on, Lauren. Let's get away from him." She said as pulled my arm towards the staircase. "I should have never called you! I should've just get those tickets myself and bring another girl, much more nicer than you!" Hayes screamed. This made me cry even more. Another girl?

  As Pat opened my bedroom door, and we fell onto my gigantic amount of pillows and bean bag chairs. I just rested my head on her lap as sobbed my eyes out. Another girl? Was he cheating on me? I got a text. It was from Hayes:

We're over.

  That's all he said. That made me sob even more. Prissy stroked my hair as all my thoughts and memories of him came. Thoughts are like a river. Once it begins to flow out, they'll never stop. They'll just flow, and there's nothing you can do to stop it from doing so. I saw that Prissy got a text, but I was too devastated to care.

Jack G's POV
  Lauren Jenner and Hayes Grier, trouble in paradise? "Yes!" I said as I pumped my fist. Shawn and Sammy turned towards me. "They broke up!" I said as I showed them the report. "Wait, but that means that only one of us will get her..." Smart ass Shawn stated. The whole room got quiet. "Well, if you excuse me, I'm gonna go win a girl's heart." Sammy said as he skipped out the door. Oh, we're playing that game, now? "Bye dude." I said as I left Shawn.

"Yes, a dozen of roses, yes, yes, for tomorrow," I am gonna blow Lauren away with my awesome plan. "Lauren, that's her name." I am going to ask her out tomorrow, after I serenade her. There's no way she's gonna say no.

Hayes's POV

You stupid boy she has anxiety problems!

  Patricia's text kept on repeating over and over, as I lay on my bed. How was I so dumb? How did I not notice? I am the worse boyfriend - well, ex, since I broke up with her - ever. I must apologize. I looked at the text is sent her over and over. I also looked at the text Patricia sent.

BTW you owe me ice cream.

  Maybe I owe her whole family ice cream, maybe even more, since I caused such a mess. I got a text from Shawn:

u broke up?

"Gah!" I let out a very much needed yell. "Hayes shut up!" Nash yelled. I started hitting myself with my pillow. I walked my mopey self to the bathroom to wash my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. The left side of my face is all red. Maybe I should stay away from her for a while, I do not want to look like a tomato.

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