Chapter 39

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Calum's POV
I'm returning home soon and I'm really gonna miss Lauren. My parents and sister still don't know that I'm dating Lauren. They probably wouldn't approve, my parents are so strict about who I date (I don't know if this is true).
Lauren's so different from everybody I've already dated. She always knows to be herself and to not act like someone she's not.

After my day with Laur, I went back to the hotel we were staying at. I got up to my room and all the boys were sitting on the beds with their phones in hand.
They all looked up at once and stared at me.
"Hello..." I said awkwardly.
  "'Sup, lover boy?" Michael teased.
"Shut up, Mikey." I said pushing his head so he tipped over and fell off the bed.
  I'm really glad Kylie let us keep dating, because my relatives, unlike my parents, expect me to bring home a girlfriend when I go back to Australia. They always told me to go start a family, which first of all, ew, second of all, gross and ew. But I think they would be a little happy when they find out I have a girlfriend.
I started to get ready for bed and I began to stalk some fanpages. Whoops.

Lauren's POV
"Please?!" I sighed. I can't run away from them now.
Right now, my aunts and I were at a spa, getting our nails done for Mom's wedding, well, we're all testing out how we like them to be, because Mom said it needed to be perfect, which is happening in one week. Like, what the heck?! I have just told them that I was dating Calum, and now they want some more information on our so called "date" we went on yesterday.
"Fine." I gave in. They all let out an excited squeal. They all tried to huddle around me, but of course, they couldn't really do anything.
  I told them everything we talked about, to everything we did.
  Then it all hit me, Calum's gonna be going back to Australia, Mom's getting married, everything is going to change.

  Today was, well, I could say okay, but not really. I mean, sure it was swell to be hanging out with my known-all-over-the-world aunts but I didn't want it to end. I wish that I could just stop time to just relax and get all my crap together before I face all those big changes.
  We went shopping, tried all the flavours at the froyo-shop, went for some more shopping, and even some more shopping, it was fantastic, but I had school tomorrow.

  "Mom, please?" I hung onto her arm. "School doesn't teach me anything I need to survive in the real world!" I pleaded. "All it teaches me is how to track down y's ex, and how to speak fluent numbers! What about how to pay your taxes?! What about how to fix your car when it breaks down?!" I vented. "Please let me stay home tomorrow! Calum's leaving tomorrow! I want to say goodbye!" I pleaded some more.
  Mom let out a big sigh.
  "I suppose you can miss just one day..." She began. I quietly cheered in my head. "But you need to study after he leaves." She ordered.
  "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed. Mom let out a chuckle before I skipped to my room, while I was overflowed with joy.
  I quickly dialled Calum's number, and he answered right away.
  "Guess what?" I screamed before he can even say "hello".
  "What?" He asked.
  "I don't have to go to school tomorrow! That means I can go with you in the airport!" I screeched into my phone. I started jumping on my bed.
  "Okay, okay," he chuckled. "Then I suppose you'll give us a ride, then?" He asked.
  "Do I have to?" I whined.
  "If you want to say goodbye to us, yes!" He teased. I let it a big sigh.
  "Fine, fine, but only for you." I heard Calum's name being shouted, it was unclear and muffled, but it was his name.
  "Got to go," he said quickly. "Bye." He hung up before I could even reply.
  "Bye..." I said to myself, all alone in my room. He sounded so urgent, strange...

Santa tell me, if you're really th- I slammed my alarm off. Calum's leaving today. That made me sad.
  I quickly got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I got a text from Calum:
U gonna b here at 9?
  Oh damn. It's 8:45. I gotta hurry up.
  "Mom, I'm leaving now!" I yelled, so that she can hear me.
  "Be safe!" She yelled back from her bathroom.

  The drive was safe. I have picked Calum and the gang up. We are now heading to the airport.
  "Hey, what songs do you have?" Micheal asked as he plugged my phone into the speakers. Hey Everybody started to play.
  "Urg, I was just listening to it before, next one!" He started to skip the song. Good Girls came on. 
  "How many songs performed by us do you have?!" Ashton yelled from the backseat.
  "All of them!" Calum yelled besides him.
  I started to blush.
  "Aw, is Lauren blushing?" Micheal teased.
  "Shut up, we're here." I answered.
  We all started to get out and I opened the trunk. They all started to take their luggage out. I followed them until I wasn't allowed anymore.
  "Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now..." I started. Calum turned around and kissed me.
  "I want to yell to the world that I'm dating you." He said.
  "Awkward..." Ashton whispered to Micheal, who was filming the whole thing.
  "Everyone!" Calum started to tell at everyone who was near. "I am dating Lauren Jenner!" By now, everyone was looking at us - erm - him.
  "Bye!" They all said, which left me.
  What was I gonna do now? My boyfriend and I are going to be more than 100 000 miles away!
  "Goodbye." I replied, but it was already too late. They were too far away. They couldn't hear me now.
  I got into my car and immediately broke down. I sobbed, and sobbed, until I lost track of time.
After what seemed for an eternity, I finally decided to gather myself back together again, and I drove back home.
When I got back home, I ran to my bed.
He is gone. My head said.
You might not ever see him again. It continued.
"No!" I yelled aloud. I started to flip onto my bed again, until Mom knocked on the door.
"Sweetie? Honey, please let me in!" Without my permission, she opened my door and tip-toed in.
"Shh, there, there," she started stroking my hair. "Everything will be alright."
I launched myself into her and cried onto her shoulder. For the next few hours, I cried, while she tried to calm me down. Her attempt on calming me down worked, but not that much.

GUYSSSSS!!!!! It's Patricia!!! I am writing today's chapter because THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE LAST CHAPTER OF MLAAJ!!!😭😭😭😭😭
Me wanted to write the last chapter so I wrote this one.... I just want to say, before this book ends forever, thank you all for reading and for voting and all those stuff Wattpad users can do to a book, because WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 30K ITS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Well I hope you guys are excited for the next chapter because I am too... Mostly because we don't know what's gonna happen next but whatever.
Peace out Girl Scout!
Xox, Patricia ❤️

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