Chapter 13

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Lauren's POV (Sorry for always making it on her)
I reached my hand into the boll and picked up a piece of paper. I slowly opened it hoping I wouldn't have to dress like Miley Cyrus or act like those spoiled brats in Toddlers and Tiaras. I was taking so long one of the boys just toke the paper out of my hands and opened it for me "What was that for!?!" I said "You take so damn long" Matt said. "You got number 8!" He said, all the boys and Prissy went in a different room to pick which song I was supposed to sing my heart out to. They all walked back to me "You could either sing Stitches by yours truly!" Shawn said happily "or you can sing Baby I by Ariana Grande, or you can sing half of both" Pat said, she knew my favourite song was Baby I so I decide to sing Baby I. Shawn looked sad so I sat next to him and side hugged him. He smiled, he toke out his guitar and started strumming it.

When I finished everyone looked in awe except Patricia because she has heard me sing it lots of time when I would escape from my room by my window and go to her house when she was adopted. I thought of the bad moments but I remembered what mom said "Don't dwell in the past and enjoy what you have now or else you will not be the usual upbeat, fun girl I know" I smiled to my thought. I can always hit the high notes like Ariana. "Lauren your amazing! You HAVE to sing a duet with me I begging you please" Shawn asked/begged. "You guys can sing at the camp fire tonight?" Hayes's said "Sure" I said. Shawn smiled and he held my hand, I could see Matt tense up, but I don't care he can't control me and my feelings for Shawn.
After I sang Baby I everyone kinda forgot about the game which is to bad because I wanted to play. I looked a Pat and we walked behind everyone else "I don't see what the big deal is, I wanted to play!" I said sadly "But Lauren, you don't understand that you have a beautiful voice and everyone else can see that but yourself"she said. I smiled and we caught up with everyone else. Someone put they're arm around my waist and I jumped "Sorry if I scared you" Shawn said "it's ok" I smiled and we sat on logs around the fire. Nash lit up the fire pit and Shawn toke out his guitar. "What song should we sing?" he asked me "Well if you wanted me to sing Stitches so bad why don't we sing that?" I offered he smiled and we sang the song. Our voices were perfect together and we sang the song. When we were done, I could see tears peek in Nash's eyes "Awww is Nashy cwying?" I asked in a baby voice "No, there's something in my eye..." he said "Yah. A tear" I laughed. That night was amazing. "Are we gonna make s'mores?" I asked "Yah, we have stuff inside, anyone wanna come?" Hayes asked "I'll go with you" I said smiling. As we walked, we talked about things and how it felt to be a celebrity "Lauren, can I ask you a question?" Hayes asked. "Sure" I smiled. "Well, what happened with Matt, Cam and you? I mean, like they both seem to know you more and it's like if they have already met you." He said "Well, I met Matt at my Disney trip, which you already know, and I sneaked out of my hotel one night to go see fireworks while the adults left to go to a party and Matt and I talked for hours and we kissed. I don't feel like I like him in that way anymore though. And Cam, well, he sat next to me on the plain ride home. And we talked but I think of him as a brother and I think he thinks the same about me but as a little sister" I said, he nodded and we finally got on to house because the fire pit was farther from the house. It was near a cute treehouse Hayes and Nash built when they where young. We got all the stuff and then in bags. A little bit after 10 minutes I said "I think we are lost Hayes!" I panicked " Don't worry, I'll call Nash" he said "We are the middle of the woods, you have no cell service!!" I panicked even more. "Don't worry, babe, they will notice we are gone and Nash could use a phone locater (I don't know if that exists) to find us." he sat down next to me and we saw the stars and the moon. I snuggled up to his chest and we ate marshmallows. I was falling asleep so I closed my eyes and he kissed my forehead, it was great even though we were lost in the damn woods. I felt someone pick me up bridal style and I opened my eyes to see Hayes walking next to someone "Hey, sleepyhead" he said "Are we still lost?" I asked "Nah, they found us, but I didn't want to wake you up." he said ."I can walk now, I'm probably crushing you" I said "Are you kidding, you're so light!" He said kissing my forehead again, I like it when he dose that. "Oh yah and Patricia left because her parents called her to tell her she had school tomorrow and she couldn't stay to sleepover" Shawn said, he toke me from Hayes and he was carrying me "Hi beautiful" he said. We walked (well they walked, I was still being carried) for 5 more minutes and someone else toke me. "Hi, Laur-Laur" Cam said, I laughed "Hi, Cammy".

After a little while longer someone else toke me! "Hi Taylor" I said while smiling. "I feel like we are playing hot potato with Lauren!" He said, I agreed and kissed his cheek. He was majorly blushing. I giggled, we finally got to the house and I was getting tired. "Who wants to have a movie!?!" JJ asked we all agreed on watching Mean Girls. I was on the couch next to Shawn and Hayes, I wanted to put my head on one of their shoulders but didn't know who to choose. I put my head on my own shoulder "Lauren, you should put your head on my shoulder, it would be more comfortable" Shawn asked "Thanks" I said. He put his arms around my waist and I fell asleep.

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