Let There Be Friendship

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It all started in a convenience store. Well, by a convenience store.

A sunny day, a view like no other, crisp skies and airs with a hint of humid weather that just made the day perfect.

Me saying all that, means it was raining and it was 54degrees. The air made Gaara feel like shit. Utter and complete shit.

It wasn't bullshit...or... (Insert shit type) but just regular shit.

He hated cold weather, I mean, practically living in a desert kind of inspires that feeling.

And living with a moody shitty sister and a brother that's obsessed with making shitty stuff, mostly puppets, it kind of inspires hating well....

Everything really.

And the worst thing was Temari had finally got the guts to ask Gaara to get her some tampons, and a snickers.

(Insert Gaara's death glare)

But...she probably shat her pants in the process...

So, don't go calling it a total victory.

Anyway, as he stepped foot in the convenience store, which he found inconveniently inconvenient, and- per say, burnable.

(And when the author says burnable, I mean everything in this store was probably made of plastic and firecrackers, even the noodles)

Anyway, he made a mental note to burn this place for 2 reasons.

For one.

He could... and for two...

Well let's just say that he might've ran into Sasuke Uchiha and he might've started twitching to what it seemed like the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb" and he might've got a few homicidal ideas and might've tried one and might've got banned from the store.

(Remember, I said might've... but come on. That doesn't... eh heh. Sound like Gaara)

So, he started to walk home, and he got the snickers...you know... while snickering as he adjusted his thin glasses and smirked.

(Insert Gaara stealing a snickers while leaving)

The author is just gonna leave the "imagination" to you.

So there started the cold long walk.

In the cold.

Oh, and believe me when I say this, It got colder when Gaara heard a chilling scream.

And then he turned the alley way, to see a blonde headed boy.

A pool of cold blood and palish-tan skin with bright blue eyes.

Im just joshing.

Calm down fer you bust a shit.

What he really saw was in-fact a blonde haired brat, with eyes that could blind you if you starred to long with a constipated face saying Oh-god-I-think-I-busted-ah-shit look that could probably fool me.

And when he got a closer look, Gaara indeed saw what he was grieving over.

(Insert Gaara screaming)

Indeed that was something to scream about.

The last box of "Muff Puffs" were sold out.

(If you do not know what a muff is, do not look it up. I REPEAT. DO NOT YOU PERVERTS. EventhoughImentionedit... If you are caught looking up by your parents and are under 13 years old, just say it's for research cause I just started my period. If you are a boy. Shame on your shitty ass. Just shame.)

I'm just kidding...


The final "Froggie" game was indeed sold out.

And thus the two nerds met.

They made eye-contact.

And they immediately knew they were gonna be friends.

I mean come on, an oblivious shit and a homicidal psycho that had probably been arrested 3 or 4 times, is the most perfect combination ever.

So, let there be friendship.

The homicidal freak and the oblivious hyperactive dumb-ass.


Somethings gonna blow up.

Oh something is.

You know...besides that convenience store.

(I love this song. It is bae)

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