Let There Be Surviving

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"I don't see why we couldn't have a proper screen GAARA"

"Well, we wouldn't be able to see with Sakura's fat-ass forehead anyway...AND SO WHAT I FIND HORROR FUNNY, IT ISNT MY FAULT, IS IT? And Naruto was laughing too..."

(Come on, you know by now)

"I've been waiting for this movie to finally come out!" Naruto exclaimed happily.

The whole Naru-gang was there.
















And Naruto himself.

They were all gonna see "The Awakening" a horrific movie about demon babies and floating stuff.

How pleasant.

Gaara was paying for it all anyway, so thanks to the homicidal homo, they were seeing a homicidal horror film.

(Didn't mean to be offensive when I said homicidal homo btw)

About 25 minutes into the movie, they had to leave.

It took about 25 minutes to make them leave.

And about 250 people to stop the wrath of Gaara, until Naruto stepped in.

Everyone just agreed they'd give Gaara his money back.

I mean come on... they were nerds. (Gaara and Naruto)

What were they supposed to do?

Pretend they weren't enjoying this?

So, now they were stuck in Gaara's Haunted Mansion, and oh boy this was going to be the movie itself.

But since Temari didn't allow Gaara to watch horror anymore, they had to watch "White Chicks" or else they would've been locked in the bathroom, with a flashlight and singing "If Your Happy and You Know It" So lucky for them, it didn't get to that.

You know, sometimes you sound just like a man.

"Hey Sakura. You know, you sound just like a man" Kiba snickered.

"And you sound like a slut."

"You mean that outfit does, what were you doing, starring for Russian porn?"

"You know, I just saw your new sex tape, in the pet store. They say a dog with rabies is on the loose!"

"Try saying that again you- Kiba was cut off with a sharp pain to the bolts. And none other than Temari to have done it.

"EEP." Kiba cried.

"Make another sound and I'll rip them off" Temari glared.

Gaara snorted, "When he gets some" and he high-fived Kankuro.

"Your one to talk" Suigetsu said.

"Dude. Your like half hard right now, what'd you do? Make yourself hard on pills?" Gaara said as he rolled his eyes.

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