Let There Be Shopping

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Temari was depressed.

No, it wasn't about Shikamaru or Gaara, or even Kankuro's stupidity. Well it partly was but eh. She could only blame herself this time.

She left Kankuro at the mansion.


Not that bad right?

But guess who she left him alone with?

You guessed it-Gaara.

 And the day was going so well for her too.


Temari was just going shopping. There was a new mall opening with some of the best clothes shes ever seen. Her friends introduced her to it. And get this, it was sale day! Half price, and Temari and her cheap self just had to take up on that deal.  She got her best looking coat, purple with tiger strips, and a boat neck dress Gaara suggested.

And boy was he right.

Because as soon as she set foot in the store (Not after finding a 100$ bill) everyone turned to her with love struck eyes.

And best yet?
Tenten was there. And she looked the most love struck.

"Hey Ten, how are ya?" Temari said waving and approaching slowly.

Tenten gulps and hides her blush and replies "Hey Temi-Chan, how are you?" Tenten says teasingly.

Temari gives off a big grin, showing her semi-white teeth. "Fine!" she stops about a foot away, "Finally get some girl time away from those savages" she laughs

"I wouldn't call Gaara a total  savage." she punches Temari's arm playfully.

What does she mean by that... Temari couldn't help but wonder.

"Yeah." Temari ignores the thought.

"What's he doing by the way?" Tenten asks looking up at Temari.

"He should've just gotten back from his psychiatrist appointment." Temari says looking at her golden watch.

That means he'll be alone with Kankuro. I hope things don- OH, what am I saying?! This is a girls day off. SCREW GAARA AND KANKURO.  Temari chanted in her mind.

"Oh..." Tenten says, suddenly perking up seeing a polo dress.

"Looky!" she chants, a big smile adorned on her face.

Kawaii... t-t  Temari anime cries, but is suddenly snapped at of it when she feels a tug on her wrist and the moving of her feet.

Tenten is dragging her in the dressing room.

"Mind if you come with me to the dressing room?" Tenten looks back at Temari, innocence now adorned her face.

asdfghjklzxcvbmmasdh- "Sure" Im going to hell, Im going to hell. Im going to hell.

I wonder whats the matter with Temari.... Tenten frowns a bit entering the dressing room, immediately regretting it.

Her flat chest. That's it. Figure the rest out on your own.

And most of the women were out of the stalls.

Sigh. Why can't Tenten be busty?
She anime sighs and goes to the dressing room, still holding Temari's hand- er wrist.

Temari got to see Tenten change-her dream come true- blah blah-they kissed-

And after that magical day, Temari felt nothing could ruin it.

Until she got home.

Well. There wasn't a home.

A full  home.

There was fire everywhere, and maniac laughing in the background. 

"I AM SHUKAKU" Gaara/Shukaku chanted. "FEAR- Temari hit him on the back of the head.

(End of Flashback)

They were currently at Sasori's  mansion to pick up their 4rth mansion key.

You thought this was the first time?

Heh. Kids these days, am I right?


Naruto hadn't seen Gaara all week.

He thought Gaara was still mad at him for going with Kiba.

Heck, he was even still mad that he went with Kiba.

And on the way to the Akasuki mansion, when he flinched away from him, he didn't ask for an explanation.

And boy did Naruto feel stupid- er.  

He was currently at Kiba's house playing video games and talking about which teachers they liked and just random stuff.

And it was pretty calm and mellow.

Kiba on the other hand had plans for Naruto.


"Come on Sasuke!" Neji yelled.

They were at a new bar called "15 and Up" and boy was the name true. Some rebellions about kids 15+  were mentioned and they got a small bar were 15 year olds could drink, about 1 once of alcohol in each drink. Fun right?

"Im coming." Sasuke whispered.

Neji yanked his wrist in and they were brought into a medium lit room with a stage, pole, stands, tables, menus, waiters and waitresses in matching green and blue attire, along with the same color decorations, and a big sign that said "Grand Opening".

They took a table to the far right, were the windows were and scanned the menu.

Neji on the other hand, was scanning Sasuke.

Sasuke and them have been going on dates more often, but Sasuke has barely been paying attention. He's been saying he'll "make it up with another date" but it's always the same. And Neji was pretty tired of it.

He reached and placed a hand on Sasuke's hand, making Sasuke look up slowly.

"Whats the matter?" Neji asked.

"Wha..." Sasuke was starring out into space before he felt a slap on his hand, and saw a crying Neji.

"You never focus on me anymore...." Neji sniffed. "Whats so important huh Sasuke?"

"Neji I'm sorry..." Sasuke went over and hugged his boyfriend.


Shikamaru was beyond bored.

So bored he couldn't even sleep, or he'd wake and find he was bored again.

So what did he decide to do?


That's what he usually does.

He was thinking about Ino currently.   

How troublesome she was, but fun.


And speak of the devil, Ino showed up at his front door step.


"Gaara" Temari warned.

"I got it. But it's your own fault you left he with the Hooker on Main street." Gaara glared at Temari.

"He can be an asswipe sometimes, but bare with him" Temari sighed and shook her head.

To think, a fire started because of shopping.

I should say Let There Not Be Shopping. But that would be lame and a cancer pun, so I well not.

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