Let There Be Traveling

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"Im tired of Konoha..." Kankuro slurred out, as a looked lazily at the TV.

"Mmmmmmhm." Temari finished, as her head was on Kankuro's shoulder, Gaara's head in her lap, his feet on Sasori's lap. 

"Maybe we should go back to Sangunkure...." Kankuro trailed off.

"Eh. It's not that bad, Im mean, Naruto's friends are pretty okay" Temari shrugged.

"Hn." Sasori yawned.

"It's not like were gonna take 'em with us...." Temari shrugged.

Gaara suddenly got up, and headed toward his room and grabbed his phone, then went to sit in his previous position. 

Everyone looked over to him dialing Naruto.


Sakura was currently having a 4 way conversation with Ino, Ten ten, Hinata and Karin.

Karin: And she had the nerve to call me a dumb red head. I mean, imagine if she said that to Gaara. Heh. She wouldnt be saying that would she?

Ino: Yeah, Gaara would TOTALLY  show her what red heads could do. Psychically and psychically. (Wiggles her eyebrows even tho no one can see, but can predict she is)

Sakura giggled then responded, "Yeah, hes pretty cool..." 

She then realized she had feelings for Gaara.

A homicidal hotty. 

How romantic.

Maybe it was the way his eyes could lure you in, or the way he looked at you straight in the eyes when he spoke, and his voice, so alluring, raspy and dark, and his hair; how it gleamed in the light.

Or maybe it was paranoia. 

How could she fix this?


Ino was skeptical about what Sakura said:

"Yeah, hes pretty cool..." 

Did this mean she liked Gaara?

His teal and piercing eyes, his blood red hair and its gleam and mess, his voice, so thick and crisp off his tongue and into the air? 

Well now Sakura was her rival, and she wouldnt settle for second.


Naruto's phone was currently ringing in his pocket.

He was over Kiba's house.


He was eating Kiba's food.


He was spending more time with Kiba than his... friend... boyfriend.

He looked at his phone and saw Gaara.

He ignored it.



He was scared.

Scared that Gaara would hate him, be mad at him.

And Kiba pressed the ignore button...

If Naruto only knew how Gaara was looking, he'd buy Gaara all the Frosty Flakes he wanted.


Gaara frowned, but it was quick, he was in the middle of something.

Sasori moaned again.

"Gaara, pull it out." Sasori growled.

"No." he replied monotonously.

"At least shifted ali- Hnng." 

"No, keep still. I need this."

"Gaara, it hurts. Bad.

"Whine. Whine. Whine. Just be quiet, do you want to switch positions?" 

Sasori could barely get out the words before another jolt went through his body.

"Let me top." Sasori whined out.

"No, Im pulling it  out now, it was just a couple of hours- err minutes dude."

Gaara had finally got the box of cookies.

He got down off of Sasori's shoulders and redialed and redialed Naruto's number, but no answer.

Is this a break up?

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