Let There Be Kissing

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"Gather around! Choose what animal you are! Free if you're a friend, 2$ if you're a stranger and 5$'s if you're a jerk!" Ino chanted.

And of course, you know this attracted the idiocy in Naruto, as he practically dragged Gaara over there. Gaara had a faint blush on his cheeks. And please don't take in mind that there are 2 types of cheeks.

"Ino! Ino!" Naruto waved to his as he weaved his way through the crowd.

"Naruto! Hey! Step right up, for you it's free."

"And can you tell Gaara's?" Naruto gave her a puppy eyed look while Gaara glared.

"Sure." Ino blushed. She'd tell her crushes animal any day.

Naruto being oblivious shrugged it off, still holding Gaara's hand.

"You want to go first Gaara?"

He adjusted his glasses and gave an unsure nod.

"Pick 3 cards"

Gaara did so and Ino took them away, making sure she brushed his hand slightly and she didn't faint. Typical right?

She scanned the cards than a small note pad and then blushed even more.

"You're a panda."

That whole table was flipped over in 3 seconds.

"Gaara, I think it suits you! Cause your cute and all!" Naruto exclaimed.

Gaara adjusted his glasses and slowly walked away, with a faint blush on his cheeks.

Naruto had to grab his hand didn't he? And you know Gaara couldn't say no when he did that. But, he had to this time. He retrieved his hand lightly and gave Naruto one of his looks.

Naruto knew immediately let him go.

So? The next this Gaara did was of course-

Go to his human diary.

Sasuke, which he found in the boy's bathroom making out with Neji.

He raise a non-existing eyebrow toward the two, as they quickly pulled away.

Neji wiped his mouth, blushing, and gave Gaara a curt nod of acknowledgement.

Sasuke eyed Gaara suspiciously while trying to suppress his blush.

"I'm gonna-

"What's wrong? I know that look." Sasuke slowly approached his human holder.

Gaara just took of his glasses and gave Sasuke an annoyed look.

And he finally got the courage to ask Sasuke.

"Sasuke. I will kill you if you laugh."

And Sasuke could already feel himself laughing.

Neji on the other hand, had known Gaara for most of his life, and knew that wasn't the smartest thing. Neji really didn't want his boyfriend dying, so he put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder and shook his head. Sasuke took this warning and shut up immediately, also knowing the horrifying fate that would happen even if you so much as crack a smile.


And here it came.

"Am I fat?"

"Why do you ask anyway?" Neji eyed Gaara.


"You know everything that comes out of Ino's is bull- Sasuke started.

"But for that animal thing... she said...a p-p-p-panda for me.... And Naruto called it cute"

And the strange thing to Gaara, was that they had the dumbest looks on their faces.

"I mean...what does that even mean? He's been flashing that word around me lately and..."

"Gaara... as your human diary... there's some explaining I need to do... a lot." Neji nodded in agreement.

So, let's head back to Naruto and Kiba shall we?

Or should I say a confused Naruto.

Who was currently sulking.

And eating a candy bar.

"I mean..." he said in between sniffles, "I didn't mean to offend Gaara... And I know he doesn't like the word cute and all, but it suits him perfectly." He sniffled again while Kiba patted his back.

Kiba really hated to see his crush do 3 things.


Talk about someone else.

And talk about someone who doesn't notice how that person feels about them.

Naruto was crying over Gaara, and Gaara threatened  him not to make him cry.

Kiba got up and headed into the bathroom only to find Gaara hugging Neji.

And that's when he got pissed off, he grabbed Gaara by the collar and gave him the scariest glare. (Not scarier than Gaara's of course) but enough to actually get a gasp.

"You listen here. Naruto is crying...and eating... which is pretty normal I guess... But Still! Why'd you leave him? He's talking about you hate him." And that's what got Gaara's attention.

He bolted out, leaving his glasses.

He almost tackled Ino, (which is her dream) but using his wits dodged her by a shoulder, which made her anime cry.

But he did in-fact, tackle a crying Naruto, after stealing a bite of his candy bar.

"Naruto..." he whispered in his ear causing the sniveling Naruto to shudder.

"I'm sorry. Don't cry." He eased his way closer to Naruto's face till their noses were touching.

Naruto wasn't to oblivious to this and leaned in, air the only obstacle to his second kiss between Gaara and him.

Gaara really had made an effect on his life.

To know that there was another nerd out there, just like him. He loved him. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Gaara's feelings.

Their lips finally met, deciding air wasn't holding them back, but they were.

And as Kiba watched from the sidelines, gave a sad smile. He'd just have to be support.

Who knows what kind of things their probably get arrested for.


So let there be kissing.

Oh yeah...

Let there be kissing.

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