Let There Be Ship Names

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"Were back." Gaara said sleepily.

He really wasn't expecting an answer, because for one:

It was...one in the morning, and we all know most people in this house (including himself) don't get up this early, but he was surprised when he saw everyone huddled up with either a bowl of cereal or a Twix bar watching re-runs of Doc McStuffins.

"Hey" Hidan raised his hand and looked at Gaara momentarily.

Everyone else gave there lame excuses for hey and continued watching TV, but the only thing on Gaara's mind was Naruto. He remembered what he had said to Naruto and hoped Naruto complied.

(Insert Flashback)

Gaara, Sasuke and Itachi went back to Sangunkure a couple of days later so Itachi could recover, and they got a surprise call from Naruto on there little car drive.

Sasuke winked while Itachi wiggled his eyebrows.

Gaara picked up and began to talk, "Hey Naruto."

When are you going to get here? You shouldn't keep me waiting.

"Hn. I'll be there soon, and when I get there you better only be in a T-shirt."

"O baby" Sasuke snickered.

"Jesus Christ Gaara, how old are you, 14, I didn't know you guys could be so suggestive" Itachi feigned shock.

"Bitch. I'm 16 going on 17." Gaara faked being hurt by Itachi's comment, making Sasuke roll his eyes.

"Im just worried about Naruto, he'll probably catch a cold in only a T-shirt..." Sasuke trailed off. "And we all know how Naruto gets sick easily."

"Hn. Your right, T-shirt and underwear, his balls will probably freeze the fastest since he has none." Itachi looked over at Sasuke and Gaara who were trying to contain there laughs.

Oh yeah Itachi, I might not have balls but there certainly bigger than your brain.

If one more thing came out of each of there mouths, the poor red-head and raven wouldn't be able to take it, so fortunately, Itachi said nothing more and Naruto said nothing more, making the two sigh in relief.

Oh the fun.

Ill see you soon, bye Gaara. Bye Sasuke. Bye dick.

Naruto hung up before Itachi got to say anything.

(End of Flashback)

"Gaara, Im going to have to break your boyfriends balls before you can have them." Itachi started.

"Hn. He said 'Bye dick.' What fun." Sasuke mused.

"Very. And I cannot let you do that." Gaara stalked upstairs, but not after getting answers for where Naruto was.

Naruto was in bed, looking at his phone, covers off.

Exposing him in only a T-shirt and underwear.

Oh the fun they were going to have.


"I still cant believe Hidan likes Doc McStuffins." Konan giggled.

"Are you kidding? This show is teh shit!" Hidan chimed.

They heard a yell from Naruto.

"Well damn, Gaara just dove right in, didn't he?" Pein said monotonously.

"Poor Naruto." Temari said. "And we ran out of lotion yesterday"

"Oh yes, Gaara!" Naruto yelled again.

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