Let There Cold Showers

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So, that was all a flashback.

So let there be present time.

And what present time holds?
Well, it holds Iruka and his death glare at Gaara and Naruto.

Or..maybe it was Gaara death glaring at Iruka while petting Naruto.

So, shall we review why Iruka is death glaring?

(Insert Flashback)

Gaara and Naruto were just walking through the hallways of Konoha High. A high school for Ninja's all nations....

And when I say ninja, I mean them avoiding class. Stealthily of course. I mean the only fun class was probably P.E. So every teacher kind of had a break from the kids.

And let's just say, Iruka and Kakashi took advantage of that.

Walking down the hallway, they heard some banging, (interpret banging anyway you want) in Iruka-sensei's office. Since he just moved back to Konoha City, he was probably moving boxes.

"Hey Gaara, let's go help Iruka-sensei move boxes!" Naruto suggested.

Of course, his homicidal friend, Gaara had to think about it.

I mean come on. If you really had thought about it.

Or, if you actually had a brain, you'd have a second thought about going into a room with Iruka and Kakashi-sensei ­alone.


Alone together in there alonely-togetherness in a room.

But, Gaara, being controlled by the hyper-stupid nerd friend just had to go along with it, twitching slightly and adjusting his glasses.

And let's just say Gaara had to take cold showers permanently.

I mean, his glasses just fell clean off his face.

I think he almost cried.

Naruto, couldn't even be that stupid and realized what he was looking at.

And he cried.

So, what did he in fact see?

What made Gaara have to take cold showers and why did Gaara have to comfort his innocent little nerd friend?

Well indeed.

He saw Kakashi and Iruka....

(End of flashback)

We are currently in current time, Gaara scolding Iruka, Naruto bashing his head against the wall, still crying and Kakashi smoking and chuckling sadistically. -Sigh-

Was Gaara really the only normal one there?

Oh, did I not mention what they were looking at?

(If you really don't know, just stop reading. What else do adults watch and make kids cry?)


Let's just say there was a string of cursing coming from that room, and a spying Jiraya, who someone snuck in and looked at what they were watching.

They were looking at "toys"

Jiraya couldn't look at a man straight for a week.

So, let there be explanations.

"Me and Kakashi weren't going to buy anything, eh heh, ehehehhe aaaaaaand you're not buying it are you?" Iruka chuckled nervously.

"NO IM NOT BUYING IT. WHY WOULD I BUY THAT? WHY WOULD ANY KID BUY THAT?" Gaara went on about not buying it while trying to calm down Naruto.

(Get it, he said he wasn't going to buy it, meaning the story and the toy- You know... to- It isn't even worth it, Never mind...)

Gaara's eye twitched.

Today, Gaara would be lucky if he didn't twitch to his grave.

So, let there be present time and explanations.

Oh yeah...

Let there be explaining, twitching, present time and cold showers. (Great combination)

See, something did blow up this time. :D

Naruto's mind did!

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