Final Chapter: Let There Be Beach Time

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Now one thing Gaara loved the most.

Was sand.

The beach.

The hot fiery sun beating down on the Earth, warming his skin.

The temperature in utter perfection.

And when Naruto was coming, he couldn't think of anything else but a sweaty body lying right next to him, giving a sex grin.

Of course he'd go.

You'd be a fool if you didn't.

But Gaara was a big fool anyway.

If he had known Kiba was coming, or better yet, the whole gang... he would've just stayed home, and played with a fortune teller specifically made for him with all Naruto outcomes.

But he knew he just couldn't have Naruto to himself.


And if he knew, they were all driving in his limo... he would've just went to school on a Sunday.


He knew he couldn't have his limo to himself.


So here they were, a beach lay in front of them, he was the first one out, he was running and smiling like a little shitty brat.

Reactions from everyone?

Sasuke and Neji smiled and followed, walking at a normaller pace.

All the girls fan-girled + (Naruto) never seeing this side of Gaara.

Shikamaru gave a lazy grin and slid down the sand hill.

Suigetsu just ignored him and went for the water.

The rest...

They had already seen this side of Gaara.

Neji, Shika, and Sasuke had been his best friends since childhood, so it wasn't really a surprise.

Kankuro and Temari always smiled when Gaara's childish side was shown.

Shino had met Gaara in middle-school.

So they were pretty prepared.


Well, he was still pretty pissed off at what happened in the limo.

Well... it all started when

(Im done, you know what to do)

And now the Song, "They're coming To Take Me Away"

Gaara and Naruto looked at each other and smiled.

Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I'd go berserk?

Well, you left me anyhow and the days got worse and worse and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind.

And they're coming to take me away Ha Ha

They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha

To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats

And they're coming to take me away ha ha

And everyone was just having a good time until, Suigetsu hit Sakura in the face, causing her to head-butt Ino (and that's like death) who jolted and knocked her ice cream on Juugo's shorts, causing him to shutter at the coldness, glaring at Ino, who glared at Sakura, who glared at Suigetsu, who just looked as if nothing happened.


So, Juugo was still pretty pissed off, as he glared at the sand and joined Gaara in his tanning.

"Not gonna swim with your boyfriend?" Juugo looked over to a blushing Gaara.

"He isn't my boyfriend. And I made him cry. I'm not even fit." Gaara sat-up and looked at Juugo sadly.

"Well, that's only a onetime thing. And you weren't used to the word cute yet, so you had to ask someone about it. It really isn't anyone's fault. And that's one incident, I bet Naruto forgave you as soon as you apologized. He might've just been upset with himself, so go over there, because if you aren't 'worthy', Kiba's even less worthy." Juugo gave a small smile to the cute redhead with an adorable dumb look which caused Juugo to give a hardy laugh.

"Yeah... that dog sniffer over there with my Naruto isn't gonna be entirely safe" Gaara gave a mischievous laugh.

"Go get 'em Panda."

Gaara glared at him shortly before walking over to the ocean.

Sneaking up behind Naruto, and grabbing him from behind.

"I got you" he whispered seductively.

Naruto giggled.

"Hey Gaara. I was about to go over there and check on you." Naruto said, looking over his shoulder, giving a warm smile.

Gaara returned it with the same standard.

"Wanna go look for seashells?" Naruto suggested.

"Sure. If you want to." Gaara replied.

Naruto really did love seeing Gaara happy like this, he really did.

It made him feel happy as well.

But little did Naruto know that Sasuke was staring at him with a glare that could kill.

Don't you dare hurt Gaara. He chanted in his mind, watching them get out the water, smiling and talking.

"...Uke. Sasuke." Neji said nudging Sasuke's shoulder.

"Hm. What babe?" Sasuke looked over Neji questionably.

"Don't worry about Gaara, you know he knows Naruto is oblivious. He can deal with it. You know Gaara doesn't grieve if he doesn't have to. I care about him too, and hate to see him get hurt, but he's not sensitive. At all. And you know it. Well come to the rescue when we need to. So you needn't worry about him. Okay?" Neji gave a touch on the shoulder, the special touch that could calm a storm. Sasuke smiled at his boyfriend and kissed him briefly, before giving his "younger brother" Gaara, one last look and a sad smile.

Be strong, Gaara. Be strong. Sasuke thought. Sending all positive vibes toward Gaara.

"Hey Temari..." Kankuro looked over at his sun-glassed sister.

"Yeah." She darted her eyes toward Kankuro.

"Looks Gaara's having fun, huh?" Kankuro gave a sloppy grin.

"Yeah." She looked out to Gaara and Naruto, a grinning Kiba following, searching for seashells. "Those 3 are really close, huh?"

Let's just hope for the best for Naruto and Gaara. Everyone thought.

So, let there be beach time.

Wish the best for Naruto and Gaara.

Lets just wish the best.

_Words From The Author_

This is a very important note.

I will be making a sequel, epilogue or a continuation.

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