Let There Be Tricking: Never Trust A Gang

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Jirobo walks up to Hidan, smirk widening.

"Hey pal. You a friend of Kankuro?" Ukon says smoothly.

"Oh... hes my babe." Hidan smirks.

"Ah. Didn't know Kankuro swung that way." Jirobo chuckles. "Seems he got a good choice though" Jirobo looked him up and down.

"Ahem. Something you needed with him?" Hidan got serious, magenta eyes almost glowing.

Ooohhh. Scary. If hes getting that defensive.... Jirobo holds his hands up in defense, "Nah. We just saw 'em walkin' and we were wonderin how the big man was doin', daz' it."

"We were old friends, went to the same school. Got in trouble, were best buddies in fact" Sakon chuckled, remembering how they always got caught smoking.

"Well, as handsome as you are. You must have Kankuro's highest trust, right?" Jirobo stepped closer to Hidan, smirk at its terminal peek.

"Hm. I am handsome, aren't I?" Hidan rubbed his chin with his hand, with a lopsided grin.

"Why, don't we buy you a drink?" Jirobo suggested.


Hidan was beyond drunk.

You know how you get drunk, and then more drunk?

Think of that, times 5.

"So, since yah friends with Kankuro, yah must know 'bout his condition, right?" Jirobo prodded for the answer he was looking for.

"You mean jinjuriki?" Hidan hiccupped, and looked over at Jirobo.

The other Sound Four members were scattered across the bar, making sure Hidan had no way of escape.

"Yeah. What is that anyways? He started telling me about ways back an' he ain't never finished the story 'bout it." Let's see what he can tell us. We might be able to grab Kankuro's younger brother if hes the right kind of jinjuriki.

Hidan sobered up after a little while and began to talk.

"Well. Jinjuriki is when... well the simple way to put it is when you have this sort of split personality. A complete opposite. There are different kinds- Here it comes- there are kinds that are shy. The kind that are complete dare devils. But... If it was forced into you- like Gaara's or Naruto's- it can turn you into a complete murderer. I mean, Naruto has had his moments- but Gaara is sheer terror in a tiny little body. He literally has no control after he snaps. So hes probably not the best to go after." Hidan finished.

"Oh. Sounds serious." Jirobo concluded, feigning shock. "Sorry bud...but I gotta drop you now."

"Hu- Wham.

"Hurry up and drag him into the alley-

And that's all Hidan got to hear-and needed to hear.

He had been tricked.

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