Let There Be Brothers

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Sasuke couldn't have felt worse right?

He's lost his family-

the one he loved-

he was left alone back in Konaha-

He couldn't feel sadder right?

He had nothing else to lose.

Except Itachi.

He saw it all on the news.


Sasuke sat lazily on the couch eating ice cream when he turned on the TV.

He thought he couldn't cry anymore, or he might just throw up. But then he saw it.

"Breaking News: Major limo wreck with 2 passengers, 1 with black hair and the other with blonde. They said the blonde was the car driver and was found dead, the other body had barely survived and is now being took to the hospital"

Sasuke's eyes were saucers now.

"He's being took to the famous Uchiha Hospital-

Sasuke rushed out the door, running into people with tears down his cheeks, tripping and falling but still getting up.

He couldn't contain the yell that came from his throat.


He tripped-

he stayed down.

"Onii-chan..." he rasped.

He looked up-


he saw Itachi in front of him, bleeding to death-

he reached out and touched noting but icy air.

He realized it was an illusion, and got up and started to run again-

sprinted to the Uchiha Hospital were his brother lay-

dead or alive.


"OH MY GOD." Konan's eyes widened.

"Guys!" she screamed, everyone came running down.

She pointed at the TV, and there they saw the limo Itachi was driving in, crushed.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

Gaara pulled out his phone and called Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't pick up.

He spam called.

No answer-

until the 10th time.

"Gaara..." Sasuke rasped.

"It's alright! You have me!" Gaara yelled.

Sasuke smiled over the phone.

"Yeah.." he let out a dry laugh.

"I'll come back if you want me to..." Gaara said.

"I want you to..but.." Sasuke didn't finish his sentence.

"But...BUT?" Gaara yelled

"Enjoy your time with Naruto..." Gaara's eyes widened.

Everyone was huddled up and listening.

"Why weren't you with Neji?" Gaara asked.

Neji looked down.

"We...broke up. I accidentally snapped at him and I didn't know what I was saying at the time and well..." Sasuke laughed, "I slapped him. I didn't mean to... it's just.." Sasuke started to cry again.

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