Epilogue 2-You Need't Ride Every Ride

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Today, was a very scary day.

The Akatsuki and Naru's had finally got together to do an outdoor activity, more liek a competition type thing at the "Wacky Willies Fun Fair Festival"

And lets just say, everyone needed a night light for the month. (Naruto already had one)

It really gave you the willies.

And who was the most impacted?


Everyone thought he was just being paranoid. But oh no. It couldn't be anymore real.

(Insert Flashback)

"Hey you guys! Let's have a fucking competition" (You know who that is)

"Yeah, who can go the longest without putting a damn curse word in every fucking sentence. Dont worry Hidan, you'll live" Sasuke sighed.

"Smart-arse" He grinned.

"Using different words when you mean it counts" Sasuke said.


"What's the competition anyway, Hida-kun?" Konan jumped in, not liking that word.

"Oh yeah. There are about... 25 of us right-

"The gorilla can count. Great." Kankuro muttered.

"I know you 'ain't talking, look like Shaman King Remix" Hidan scowled

"Your grandma want's her vagina smell back" Temari shot back. "Don't talk about my brother..."

"Pft. If your brother wasn't-


"Oh right. 5 people in each group, each ride or go in every building, whoever finishes first, has to go on the Ferris Wheel and yell "Im done!" Alright?" Hidan explained.

"Doesn't sound too bad." Shino said monotone.

Everyone looked toward him. 

Gaara smirking, Temari blinking and Kankuro's jaw to the floor.

"Well, if Shino's in. Im in. Temari, Kankuro, Sasori and..." Gaara was trying to decide. "Shino"

Naruto frowned.

Kiba smirked.

"You know what- 

"I'll take Naruto then" Kiba cut him off.

Gaara glared then smiled. "Okay. But a little warning..."

Kiba gulped.

"Touch him. And die." Gaara smiled an eye-closed and threatening smile.

Kiba poked Naruto.

It took everyone to hold Gaara back while Kiba smirked.

"Im gonna-

"You already chose Gaara." Kiba retorted.

Naruto really was upset. His own....friend with benefits didn't choose him.. 

"Yeah. I'm going with Kiba." Naruto cut in, everyone looking toward him, seeing there arms linked.

"...." Gaara didn't say anything, and just walked away.

Temari looked toward Naruto, an apologetic smile on her face as she followed Gaara.

"I'm an idiot..." Naruto sniffled.

"You're right this time Naruto." Pein said, surprising everyone. 

"I know Onii-chan..."

"You know. Gaara really does care about you. The only reason he separated you guys was because he wanted you to get other-

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