Let There Be Troubles

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Alright. That Halloween Special thing is NOT being continued. So- this will take place after the previous PREVIOUS chapter. And I know this is confusing, but it was just a special. And the whole Kankuro-Hidan relation...also fake. Didn't happen....

(Insert Flashback)

The Sandies had just gotten back with a meeting from their father- and lets just say, if something else bad added to Gaara's bad mood, this city would be in flames. Its not like Gaara wanted this to happen- falling in love with a boy. And, its not like he wanted to tell his father- but one this you NEVER do is LIE to the 'Kazekage'

It was just one of those rules you knew automatically to do. And when Kankuro had forgotten about the meeting- and arrived 30 minutes late, it didn't help with the 'Kazekage's' rage. And to top it off, Kankuro had gone and fell in love with Hidan. (Isn't that easy to tell, since he forgot all about Hidan, got some information- important information taken, and then just left. Points for you- no - make it mega points! Catch my sarcasm yet?)

So... there they sat in their little gay circle.

"In my defense- Temari started, but was shut up with a sharp turn and a glare flung in her direction.
Gaara just rolled his eyes, while looking at his phone, Kankuro and Sasori doing the same. Temari was one of those girl that just wanted their fathers' to love them forever, and never get in trouble. Truth is- father never loved any of them. Or never showed it. It was always about perfection. He had 4 different kind of children.
The brute- who was imperfect in everyway.

The slacker- who didn't care as to do his work, but needed a reward to do it. (No reward, no do.)

The creative- who had to find either something exactly right for the work, or find the exact way to get out the work.

And the daddy girl- who wanted to live up to the expectations- but keep her dignity.

None of them wanted to do the work exactly, but it all lead up to the same thing. He was very disappointed with his child group. He'd expect no less of prim and proper and pristine and perfect- all those p words. But forgot one thing- he never tried to learn from his mistakes and thought that making things harder would force the lessons into them.
He was after all- the owner of Suna. Yes- the whole thing. And Sasori was next in line. Then Kankuro, then Gaara.

The 'Kazekage' was a very power hungry man- after he does business with Orochimaru, he'll be unstoppable. (We all know what happened with Orochimaru everyone. In case you didn't know, he killed the Kazekage and pretended to be him at the Chunin Exams. So, with a little editing- this is whats going to happen. c:)

(End Flashback)

Adding to Gaara's mood was not the best right now.

"I just left him! What if he ran into- them." Kankuro trailed off.

Gaara stopped- and remembered. That's right.

Kankuro was not the best in Sangunkure when they lived here, was he? What if Hidan ran into the them and something bad was going to happen? What if something bad could happen to their family?

"Text him" Gaara stated with rage. "Make sure he hasn't said or did anything!"

The sand begin to swirl around Gaara, as If attracted to him- all he had on his mind was that everyone would be safe.


"Huh? Naruto just went of with some guys...Jerky....Jerbul....JIROBO. Yeah, said that they wanted to take him out for some ramen and discuss something with Kankuro." Kisame looked up from his magazine, the others nodding in agreement.

"And.... YOU JUST LET HIM GO?" Gaara hissed.

His worst troubles had been confirmed.

Stalking Is Another Type of Friendship (Naruto Yaoi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora