Let There Be Stalking

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Kiba and Naruto were walking in Sangunkure, bickering if they were to have a last meal, it'd be ramen or chicken. (Naruto obviously said Ramen... I couldn't say dog food right? That'd be too cruel.)

"Ramen! It's the best food in the WORLD" Naruto said, emphasizing world.

"No. Chicken is bae, and we ALL know it" Kiba mocked.

This went on for- well when they go to the store. Little did they know, they were being followed by certain siblings.

(Insert flashback)

"Sasuke... Itachi." Gaara cleared his throat as he walked in on the "twins" arm wrestling.

They both looked over, wondering what the skinny red head wanted. Gaara explained how he wanted them to follow Kiba and Naruto. Kiba still didn't get the hint that the oblivious blonde is Gaara's and Gaara's alone. After all, he was Naruto's "first" (Refer back to Let There Be Ship Names... the chapter before this one) Gaara then left the room, adding an extra glare to get his point across.

"Hm. Gaara really likes Naruto doesn't he?" Itachi said, getting dressed. "But isn't this going a bit too far?"

"I can understand why he's doing it though. Kiba likes Naruto. And its obvious. I see what Gaara is thinking too, think: Kiba has Naruto ALL to himself. The Wacky Willy thing, he didn't. WE were all there. Then think of this, Naruto is stupid. Well, stupid when it comes to someone liking him. He likes Gaara, that's obvious enough, but he doesn't know Kiba likes him. Then think of this, Kiba is a sly dog. He can make him brushing past Naruto's face, look like he's grabbing something behind Naruto. Do you think Naruto will notice?" Sasuke inquires.

Itachi opens his mouth- "No. He wont. You WANT- no - WE want to have faith in Naruto, but when it comes to this, we cant. We have to prevent ANYTHING from happening. Or Naruto and Gaara's relationship might be damaged... along with us." Sasuke finishes as he slips on a belt.

And so they head out, stalking Kiba and Naruto.

(End of Flashback)

"Kiba... this is embarrassing..." Naruto blushed. Kiba was currently trapping him between the cart and himself.

"And?" Kiba smirked.

"I don't feel very- OH MY LORD KIBA, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

Now see what had happened was, a marble was flung at his head, smacking him right in the eye.

From afar....

"Kiba you dirty bastard." Itachi said. He had his cop gloves, sunglasses and fake hat on. He currently had a sling shot in his hand (provided by Sasuke) and did the action movie gun blow.

"You aren't laying another hand on that boy" Sasuke took a western accent. "Lets go Deputy Itachi" And thus they hike out stalking Kiba and Naruto, preventing any kind of love, touch or stare from happening.


Itachi and Sasuke had prevented 3 things from happening:

1. Kiba hugging Naruto. See what had happened was that Kiba was pretending to trip. Sasuke ALMOST blew their cover, yelling "you cant trip on air you horny dog!" and was dragged to the other half of the store, were the cookies were, also being the next thing on the shopping list.

2. There was a sample of sausage at the cookie section. (Wth..) Sasuke's mouth was duck-taped by then. Kiba tried to feed Naruto. A none reluctant Naruto leaned forward and.... Itachi, dressed up in a sweater,wearing the cop hat and sunglasses with a scarf, came over and ate the sausage. Then struck up a conversation with the lady running the stand, preventing everyone from getting any sausage.

3. Kiba "accidentally" split his slushy on his shirt. He asked Naruto to get some napkins, and help him clean his shirt. Sasuke informed the old lady at the counter the young man needed some help cleaning his shirt. She rushed over and rubbed all over Kiba while Sasuke was celebrating silently with Itachi (while eating that free sample of sausage Itachi recommended)

The shopping was almost done, and NOTHING had gone to plan for Kiba. He was sulking inside, but there was one more thing he would try.

And he knew Naruto would have to accept.

"Naruto... I have something to tell you." Kiba stopped in the aisle.

"What?" Naruto looked over, stopping too.

"I like you..." Kiba leaned forward and-


"No" Itachi said. "What... the hell is the matter with you? NARUTO IS NOT YOURS, HES GAARA'S." Itachi yelled, causing a few....a lot of stares.

"Naruto likes GAARA. Is your name GAARA?" Itachi continued furiously. "Im disappointed in you. Would you stoup this low, just to get Naruto? Leave him alone. If I see you touch... no... even if you give a wrong STARE... Im going to send you to the pound." Itachi ended, yanking Naruto along with him. "You can pay for the fucking shopping" Itachi glared back.


Naruto was being pulled into the Sandies household by a furious Itachi and following behind, a smirking Sasuke. He was pushed into the house, stumbling as he did so.

"Sorry... but he made me angry" Itachi slammed the door.

"I knew Kiba was acting strange, that was my initial though too. That.... he liked me." Naruto paused.

"Wait, did you just say initial- But I didn't want to believe it... I like Gaara... but Kiba was my best friend" Naruto continued, glaring at Sasuke who so RUDELY interrupted.

"You like me, huh?" Gaara whispered in Naruto's ear.

"How the fu-" Gaara interrupted Naruto with a kiss.

"Ahem. So how did you get there Itachi and Sasuke?"

"Was that your initial question?" Sasuke snickered.

"Bitch." Naruto cringed.

"We were stalking you of course." Itachi cut in, before things got ugly.

"Why..." Naruto asked, while Gaara was kissing up and down his neck.

"Do we need a reason?" Itachi inquired. "Just think of it as some type of friendship thing geez. Don't ask another one of your initial questions, alright?"

"I bet Kiba's asking an initial question.." Sasuke snickered. "Sigh. Today funny"

"Huh?" Gaara asked.

"Itachi showed him not to mess with Gaara's bae." Sasuke started making hand motions. "He was all like: 'DONT MESS WITH GAARA'S BAE AGAIN, HE DONT LIKE YOU FOOL. STOP TRYING TO GET SOMEONE WHO DONT WANT YO D." then he just burst out laughing.

"Ahem. Not my exact words. But, I just didn't like how Kiba still tried when you both like each other... very much. And I know it must be hard to let go the one you love, but when that person don't feel the same way and you STILL tryin. You need Jesus." Itachi snapped his fingers and pursed his lips.

"Good work soldiers. I wont have to hurt anyone....except Kiba." Gaara sighed in content, Sasuke and Itachi following.

Itachi and Sasuke were beat after having to prevent love, without focusing on their own, so decided to take a nap first. And THEN deal with the problems.

So, let there be stalking.

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