Epilogue- You Need't Worry

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(I changed it to You Need't instead of Let There Be)

Gaara and Naruto's relation really didnt change too much.

Summer was just starting with a 'bang'

Sasuke invited us over to his house, and Itachi just had to be over there with his gang "The Akatsuki"










(And let's just add Kimimaro)

And Itachi himself.

They were a bunch of 20 year olds that had nothing better to do, so they chose to hang out with a bunch of teens.

For what?

To tease of course.

Itachi really just loved to mess with Sasuke, and his relation with Neji.

Loved. Practically lived for it.

And Gaara's brother, Sasori (Im making them related. :p) loved to act sexual toward Gaara. Kinda creepy right?

But there a creepy family. Right?

It was the 4th of July, the "Akatsuki" and "Naru-gang" were in a head-on clash...

Playing Splatoon.

The Akatsuki was winning: Itachi, Sasori, Hidan and Kakuzu vs Neji, Choji, Shikamaru, and Lee

Neji and Shikamaru were the only good ones.

"You lose fags" Hidan cheered. "The pine apple and the hot chick were doing all the work. Hey, Im surprise the fat one didn't eat the controller. And wtf eyebrows?"

"Shut up Hidan..." Itachi warned. "Sorry guys" Itachi said as he sat between Neji and Sasuke, who glared.

"Dont worry. I'll avenge you guys" Gaara said, eyes sparkling.

"Then lets go baby bro" Sasori chimed in.

Gaara snorted and glared playfully at Sasori, who returned the same look.

Sasori died in the game, and almost in real life in the 25 minute time zone...

How you ask...well...

(Insert flashback)

Sasori had finally lost, he threw his controller at Gaara, and it cracked his glasses.

Gaara slowly turned to look at Sasori, who was already out the door.

"Now G-Gaara... calm down." Naruto held Gaara back, hands up in front of him.

"Im gonna murder him... I really am..." Gaara jumped over the couch and sprinted toward the door.

"Gaara..." Naruto grabbed Gaara's hand, making him freeze completely.

"I'll go glasses shopping with you tomorrow. So dont worry." Naruto said, smiling a sloppy smile, making Gaara's face twist into a adorable dumb look, making Naruto blush.

"Okay?" Naruto asked for confirmation.

By now, Sasori had snuck behind Gaara.

"Fine." Gaara turned to glare at him.

But playfully.

"Sorry." Sasori hugged him.

"No your not, dont lie to my face" Gaara rolled his eyes, snuggling into his shoulder.

Naruto chuckled.

(End of Flashback)

So they were currently setting up the fireworks.

"This is gonna be so cool! WE'RE ENDING THE 4TH OF JULY WITH A BANG" Deidara screeched.

"I wish we ended you with a bang" Temari said, rubbing her head.

"What kind?" He winked.

"The kind your mother showed you last night" she replied.

"Ooh's" and "Oh's" filled the air.

"Pft" Deidara rolled his eyes, admitting defeat.

Temari smirked, giving him a playful punch.

"Ew Temari.." Gaara cringed.

"Your one to talk panda." Deidara shot back.

"Says the girl flirting with my sister" Gaara glared.

"BURN" Hidan roared.

"Your dumplings over there, so go fetch." He pointed at Choji.

"No. My dumplings right there I dont particularly have a problem with lesbians, but when they wanna flirt and pretend to be a boy... I dont know." Gaara pointed to Naruto, causing Naruto to blush.

"Wow Gaara. You said Naruto was your dumpling with a straight face you ar- Temari was cut off by Gaara having a nose bleed.

"So close Gaara...so close..."

You need't worry.

Gaara is only a slight pervert.

So you need't.

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