Oh shit

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3rd person pov

The girls stepped into the house, it was a middle sized house but still had loads of room, they could smell the alcohol throughout the whole house and she knew that she should have told her dad where she was really going incase there isnt any trouble but Lily didnt care at this point she was hurt from what her dad did and she needed to let the emotions go

Lily stared at the people around her, all she saw was normal 13 year old kids like her but she didnt think she was normal as she was chased by the paparazzi because of her dad was Colin Jost and now that he was dating Scarlett and she knew it was going to be even worse with paparazzi which would lead to her having more panic attacks

Lilys pov

I was brought out of my overthinking once Leo came over and snapped his fingers in front of my face trying to get my attention

"Hey Lily im so glad you could make it, i havent seen you in a while" Leo said with a smile on his face and i could tell it was a genuine smile which made me nod and smile back

"Thank you for inviting us Leo, im going to go and get a drink if you wanna come?" i asked nervously hoping that he would say yes but we havent really spoken more than 5 words to eachother for the past 2 years

"sure i need to go and get a refill anyways" he replied and led the way to the kitchen where there was loads of alcohol on the sides

I think he knew that i had no clue what i wanted so he picked up a few things and showed me them and told me that it would taste nice but i was going to grab it but the vodka bottle in his hand caught my eye

"I know i have never done this before but i want to do some shots please Leo" i begged until he went to the cuboard and got 2 shot glasses for us, he poured the vodka into them and then we clinked our glasses together before taking the shot

"Ooo it burns but i want another" i said convincing leo to do more and more shots, we were on the 7th shot of the night when his football buddies came and took him away and i grabbed the bottle of vodka and started chugging what was left in the bottle and then grabbed another bottle before making my way into the garden

I dont know how long i sat out there but i was starting to get cold and i was taking to myself, if anyone saw me right now they might think that i was going mental

"Hello my name is Lily Jost who are you?" i said staring at the tree before bringing the bottle to my mouth taking another mouthful and tapped the tree infront of me that i thought was a human, the realisation hit me which made me start wheezing at the tree, i slumped back on the tea and then i heard footsteps coming towards me and i saw his face and i smiled widely

"Helllooo Leonardo" i said slurring all my words, i was super drunk and everything was blurting out of my mouth and i wasnt realising it, Leo wasnt that drunk, he only had the 7 shots with me and then he stopped and he was only tipsy whereas me on the otherhand was totally fucked

He sat down next to me which made me move my head onto his shoulder which was a instinct from when we used to be close and do this and i started blabbering my mouth which i feel like i will regret in the morning

"Hey leo you know its funny" i started laughing so hard and taking other sip of vodka

"Whats funny L?" i made a frowny face at his old nickname for me and then continued with my story " I have a crush on you, and the sad thing is that i think i have always liked you" i say with my hands in my head not realising the words coming out of my mouth then suddenly my hands are getting lifted off my face and i see his beautiful blue eyes staring down at me

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