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Lilys pov

I am awoken at 8 with Scarlett stroking the side of my face, Scarlett did this when she woke me up after the night out I had, I know dad is pissed at me still from that night, he barley has spoken to me other than when Scarlett is around but I don't mind I am used to the quiet in the house now

"Morning Lils, I'm dropping you off at school today and I'm picking you up" Scarlett told me which is not something you want to hear when you have just woken up

I groaned, before moving and turning my back againt Scarlett to let her know I was not getting up anytime soon but she of course had other plans and ripped the whole bedsheet off me

"up up up" she said whilst walking out of the room and closing the door and then she shouted walking down the stairs "If your not up in 5 minutes when I come to check on you, you will not get any cuddles from me"

I stayed in bed because I was still freezing from being on the balcony earlier on but I fell asleep with Scarlett after the nightmare which surprised me because normally I never get any sleep after my nightmares, but they have only been back for 2 weeks now so hopefully they go soon, I stay in bed until I hear a soft knock on the door which I immediately know it is Scarlett because my dad is at work earlier today and I quickly scramble to get the covers back over me and cover myself

I heard Scarlett chuckle before speaking "Come on you know what to do" which confused me because I wasn't speaking to her but then soon realised when I heard little footsteps running on the floor and I felt a heavyweight on top of me and I knew it was Rose who Scarlett recruited to wake me up

"Ughhhh it's too early for this" I said lifting my head from the covers to find Rose sitting on me and Scarlett leaning against the doorway with a smirk on her face.

"Come on Lolly we need to go to school, but mommy said we need to have some breakfast so we become big and strong before" Rose said jumping up and down whilst sitting on me

"Lolly? Did you find me a nickname Rosebud?" I asked and Rose nodded giving me a little smile which I hugged her and told her I loved it so much

"Alright Rosie let's go and make some breakfast and leave Lily to go and get changed and this time she is actually going to get ready" Scarlett said raising her eyebrow at me subtly telling me to get ready or she will drag me out of here

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, I wash my face and do my makeup quickly before getting the outfit that my dad had picked, he had picked up leggings and a baggy T-shirt that said "Go girl" which I immediately put back but I had no other top to wear so I put on the leggings and leave my pyjama top that Scarlett gave me on

Then i sat on my bed and grabbed my hairbrush trying to get it into a ponytail but it was frustrating me so I threw the hairbrush at the wall and left my hair as it was not caring at the minute that there was a massive knot in it

I sat on the bed and went through my school bag and looked to see I have English homework due that I was able to get an extension on because I had a really bad panic attack which led to me stop breathing and passing out and there was a lack of oxygen in my brain and I was in hospital for 4 days

That hospital trip was not a fun one, I have a really bad panic attack every once in a while but some land me in hospital, the first few times my dad stayed with me and cuddled up in the hospital room watching tv with me but then he stopped staying the night and told me he had to go home for emergency's, I loved my dad but he always put everything like work as a priority but I needed my dad during all them moments but he was never there, April the nurse always sat with me and she even braided my hair when she knew I would not want to move for the day, she looked after me the way my dad was supposed to

But going back to the homework, I knew I was going to get a detention but I didn't care anymore, at least my dad will be able to speak to me if I get in trouble but I have been getting more detentions recently and he just tells me to stop and then does nothing about it, who I am worried about having a moan at me is Scarlett because she is meant to be picking me up but I'll just tell her at lunchtime that I have a detention and I'll get the bus home

I sat them on the bed, sorting my school bag out making sure I have my AirPods for when I get my phone back for the day and all the essentials like gum, hairs-ties, lipgloss and lip liner then just as I zipped my backpack up I saw Scarlett standing at the door leaning on the doorframe again raising her eyebrow at me

"What was that bang, did you drop something?" She asked making me wonder do I tell her the truth or not? She might think that I am a baby because I can't do my hair by myself and I was bad angered and there the brush at the wall but I decide to tell her anyways because she always seems to know when I am lying or not which is weird because I am an amazing liar

"Threw my hairbrush at the wall because it was pissing me off" I said whilst laying down on the bed crossing my arms

"First of all no swearing and second of all all you have to do is ask and I can help you with your hair or doesn't make you silly for asking for help Lily" she said sitting at the edge of my bed tapping my leg

"Sorry I just don't want you to think that I am a baby that can't do anything by myself" I say before looking down at my fingers to see I am playing with my fingers again which is what I do when I get nervous or I am panicking

"Come her sweet girl" she said grabbing a pillow before putting it on the floor for me to sit on which I sat on the floor and she left the room telling me she would be back in a minute she just needed to go and get something for my hair

She came back a minute later with a spray bottle filled with water and it made me wonder what she was doing with it, then she sat down behind me and started to spray my hair with it

"I'm spraying the bit of the hair that is matted Lily so it is easier to brush out and then I can put it in braids for you, how many do you want?"

"Can you do 2 please Scarlett?" I ask still feeling bad that she has to do my hair and then it hits me that Rose is probably downstairs on her own because of me

"Where's Rose, Scarly?" I ask moving my head and Scarlett moved my head back to where it just came from because it would mess up the braid

"she is sitting in the cinema room, she always loves the opportunity to go and sit in there so I gave her it to come and see if you needed me" she explained finishing the second braid before rushing me off to the mirror and I loved them, I turned around and hugged Scarlett but she immediately pulled out

"No hugs today, you didn't listen when I told you to get up or no cuddles so..." Scarlett said with a small smile on her face and I shrugged my shoulders and walked back to my bed grabbing my bag before skipping down the stairs, when I got down the stairs I could see Scarlett glaring at me probably because I was going down the stairs fast, she said she doesn't want to give me hugs because I didn't get up but I know that before the end of the day she won't be able to resist hugging me

Then I make my way into the kitchen and got a bottle of water, Scarlett leant against the counter and rested her chin in her hands leaning forward

"So what you going to have for breakfast Lils, we have 20 minutes to get to school and we need to drop Rose off as well" Scarlett asked me grabbing the coffee that she obviously made before she came up to me

"Normally i have a fruit salad for breakfast but I'm not feeling hungry this morning so I'll just get something when I get into school" i told her taking a sip of her water and she told me to go and get my shoes on so she can go grab Rose and take us both to school, then soon enough we are both standing at the door waiting to leave so Scarlett quickly get her car keys and get her phones and mine to give to me when we get to school and we make our way to school

A/N-Thank you so much for reading my story it means a lot to me, please vote and comment if you want to and my messages are always open if anyone needs anything

make sure to check out my other book called teenage fame-marvel cast if you enjoy this book

Love P x

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