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Scarletts pov

As i started to get the plates out of the cupboard, i could see Lily standing there like a deer in the headlights, she was frozen in place and she looked like she was trying to take all the new surroundings in

I went over to her and took her hand and lead her to the kitchen barstools and sat her down there so i can keep an eye on her whilst i am getting all the dinner on the plates

Then Rose came back down with some board games in her hands, running into the kitchen and placing them down on the kitchen side before running into the living room and jumping onto the couch reaching to turn the tv on

"Rose, get over here now" I yelled but not too loudly because Rose has a habit of going to the living room before dinner and it takes me forever for her to come and eat her dinner but all i heard was the cartoons she had out on from

"Rose if you are not here in the next 10 seconds i will make sure you will not have your ipad for a week" i said knowing that would make her move her ass

She came running into the kitchen quickly nearly crashing into the counter, she looked up at Lily confused probably because she wasnt speaking and Rose is only 8 and doesnt understand it that much

"What have i told you about running down the stairs Rose, its dangerous and i dont want you hurting youself now go and sit at the kitchen table and make sure you sit properly" I said to my 8 year old hoping that she would listen to me because sometimes she does the opposite of what i say

I can see Lily staring at me with a blank expression on her face, she is back now when we came into the house she wasnt fully out of the panic attack so thats why i made her sit down at the counter, but i could see her beautiful blue eyes staring at me and i made my way around the counter and taking her into a hug

"You're okay Sweet girl, we are just going to have some dinner and you can sit next to me if you would like" I say smiling at her whilst stroking the hair out of her face, her hair was starting to fall out of her ponytail so i grabbed the hair tie and started to pull her hair up into a bun so it is out of her face

"Thank you Scarly, im sorry for what happened in the car it just felt like i shut off and i couldn't focus on anything around me" I heard Lily say and i grabbed her face and planted a soft kiss on her nose which i heard a little giggle come out of her mouth

I grabbed the kids plates and placed them on the kitchen table, before going back to the counter to grab mine and get Lily, i brought Lily to the kitchen table and she sat opposite Rose and i sat next to Lily to help calm her nerves and Rose never wants to sit next to me because she doesnt like how i chew apparently

Rose already started eating her dinner and Lily started to eat hers, i could tell that Lily was still feeling nervous around Rose so i started to make some conversation to get Lily settled in

"So girls once we have finished our dinner, we are going to watch a movie, what movie should we watch?" I say with a smile to the two girls and didnt think i would get a response from Lily but too my surprise i did

"Let Rose pick i dont mind" Lily said with a small smile on her face towards Rose which made my heart melt seeing Rose with the biggest smile on her face, i sent Rose a glare and Rose knows that the the face i am making means to say thank you

"Thank you Lily can we watch tangled mommy?" Rose asked directing her head towards me before looking at Lily again

"Yes we can baby, i have some candy and popcorn for the movie and im pretty sure when the movie is finished Colin will be over and we can play some games" I said finishing off my dinner and waiting for the girls to finish theres, i know that Colin has let Lily decide if they are both staying the night and she has to tell him when he comes over, i want Lily to feel comfortable staying over here so i dont want to force her into having to spend the night especially if she doesn't want to

There was silence as the girls finished their meals until Rose decided to speak up "Lily does this mean that you are going to be my sister now?" and Lily whipped her head in my direction and i gave her a small nod to encourage her and saw Lily smile and reply to Rose "Yes i guess we are sisters now Rosebud" and rose pouted at the new nickname that Lily had called her but then giggled

"I want to give you a nickname too Lily but i cant think of any" Rose said becoming sad that Lily wont get a nickname and then Lily gave Rose a smile and told her "Its okay Rosebud, you dont have to give me a nickname yet im sure it will come to you eventually" and that made Rose happy again and it made my heart warm as i know my two girls were getting on, Lily was starting to feel more comfortable here as Rose dragged Lily off to the couch and they were talking about Roses favourite things and i could tell that Lily was nodding along pretending to know half of the things she is taking about like i do most of the time

I take the plates back into the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher, i head back into the living room to find Lily on her phone and then it hits me that i was meant to take it away when we got back so i took it out of her hands and she opened her mouth to protect but nothing got out as she saw the look on my face telling her not to test me

"Im sorry Lils but you know your not allowed your phone for the rest of this week" i said before kissing her head and kissing the top of Roses head, i went back into the kitchen and put the popcorn into the microwave and took it out when it was finished, then i got all the candy out which was sour patch kids, hershey's chocolate and twizzlers even though i had more i didnt want to give to much to the kids and have them full of energy, especially Rose because that kid was full of energy with loads of sugar and i didnt know how Lily was but she was older so i dont think that she would be exactly like Rose

*2 hours later*

Lilys pov

The movie had just finished and it was 7:15 so my dad should be coming here anytime soon but he gave me the decision if i wanted to stay the night or go home, i dont know if i wanted to stay i like staying with Scarlett but i have been having more of my nightmares recently and my dads a heavy sleeper so he doesn't wake up when i wake up screaming and sweating, if i stay here with Scarlett she may wake up and i dont want her to see me in the middle off all that, she already helped me so much with all the panic attacks she doesn't deserve if i put even more on her

I was snuggled into Scarlett as she said she wanted some snuggles with me and Rose refused to cuddle with Scarlett and she only wanted to hug me so i let her and im starting to like it here with Rose and Scarlett

Then all of a sudden i felt a peck on my head and i looked up to see dad standing there, with a big smile and i got up and hugged him happy he was back home safe, dad knows that i get paranoid when he is late coming home and if he is driving so he comes and hugs me first so i relax this is because we had a car accident a few years ago when i was 7 and i had broken my arm and had to have surgery because i was bleeding on the brain and i get panicked if i dont hear from him but Scarlett had told me he was on the way home so i wouldn't panic

Then he got up and pecked Scarlett on the lips, me and rose turned to each-other both our faces curled up in disgust to see them kissing each-other, which i dont know why because i had kissed Leo not even a few hours ago which is why Scarlett is giving me a little "I know you did the same today" grin

Dad went to Rose and she climbed into his arms telling him how much she missed him, it seemed that Rose and dad had a close bond and even though me and dad could be closer it still hurt seeing him be like this to Rose, times like these make me jealous that i dont have a mother that i could be close to because i dont feel that close to my dad, he always told me i was a mommys girl but now i am a no ones girl

Scarlett came back over to me and sat me down on her lap and i leant back and placed the back of my head on her shoulder and she bent her head down and kept me close to her, i dont know how she knew what i was feeling and that her hugs made me feel better but i was grateful for them

A/N-Thank you for reading, if there is anything you want me to do in this story please feel free to message me or comment about it and my messages are always open if anyone needs anything

Love P x

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