Come back to us

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Scarletts pov

It was now the next morning and she still has not woken up and she has been out of surgery for 12 hours now so why wasnt she waking up?

I sat there watching her breathe the whole of last night i didnt want to sleep without knowing if she will wake up, she looked so peaceful in her sleep but i just wanted her to wake up so i could cuddle her

Colin didnt sleep either i think he was upset with himself about what he said about her being grounded, he said he didnt care if she was hurt or not she had to know there are consequences to her actions which i agree with but she is going to have the punishment of not walking for the next few months because of her cast

It was now lunch time and Colin did eventually leave to go and get us something to eat and i just stayed in the same position and as soon as he came and sat down Lilys monitors started beeping and she started shaking and i dont even know what was happening it was all like a blur

I remember i stood up looking at her shaking and then i was pulled out of the room and i was sobbing hysterically as i was placed into the waiting room and i saw Colin crying

"She is going to be okay Col our girl is a fighter just like her dad" I tell him even though tears are still streaming down both our faces

"I know she will be okay Scar i just want her to come back to me i need my little girl please God protect Lily and i promise i wont ground her for her getting drunk" Colin said which made me chuckle a little bit because i know Lily will be happy with this but we will have to have a talk with her about it

We sat in the waiting room for what it felt like hours until i see Dr April come towards us and i immediately stand up gripping Colins hand tightly

"Lily had a seizure because of all the stress on her body and we had to sedate her to keep the seizure down and we are hoping she is going to wake up today but we dont know for sure when she will wake up" April says with tears in her eyes which makes me feel even more sad because Lily and April have a close relationship and i couldnt even form words anymore

"Thank you April we really appreciate what you are doing for Lily" i hear Colin say and i remain silent

I dont know how long i sit here holding her hand for but someone banging the door whilst they walked in pulled me out of my thoughts when i saw who it was

The cast had come and i havent responded to anyone texts to their faces are confused but concerned at the same time when all they thought was wrong was her foot

"What the heck happened i thought she only broke her foot Scarlett?" I hear Lizzie ask me as she rushes over to Lily and i see Chris with tears running down his face and the rest of the cast too

"Alright all of you come in the room and not in the middle of the hallway and ill tell you" I tell them explaining what happened with the doctors and i can tell the cast were mad that someone could be so careless and nearly loose a life especially Lily who is 13 years old and has so much more of life to live, i was hopeful that she was going to wake up but they said this yesterday when she got out of surgery and she hasnt woken up yet

I speak to her all the time because April said she can hear people around her so i try and comfort her the best i can and its killing me not being snuggled in that bed next to her right now, Lizzie offered to stay here with the cast so that me and Colin could go and get cleaned up and i know i should but i dont want to leave her like this

Colins pov

Its hard watching Lily like this, she looks so tiny laying on the bed when Lizzie rang me telling me Lily was going to hospital because of her foot i was not as worried because i knew it was going to be a simple thing but it all came tumbling down

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