Red carpet

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Lilys pov

Mom woke me up in the morning and i really didnt want to wake up because i just wanted cuddles with my mom but i was excited that me and mom have a interview together today

I got dressed into a pink sundress that my mom picked out for me and she was wearing the same but in blue and i was happy we were matching, Mom brushed my hair for me before putting it in a sleek bun so it was out of my face even though it was freezing here in London

Once we finished getting ready we made our way to the hotel lobby where we were going to meet the rest of the cast for breakfast, i sat on the chair next to Chris and he was telling me that they might not let him do interviews with me or Mackie again but i was hoping that they would because it was really fun yesterday

"Do you want to come and get your food Lily or should i make you a plate?" Mom asks coming over to where me and Chris was sitting

"Im not sure what i want so can you pick for me?" i ask my mom and she nods before going over to the area where there are loads of options for food

"So im uncle Chris now?" Chris asked me with a grin and it made me realise in the interview i called him uncle chris for the first time and i panicked thinking he didnt want me to call him that

"Im sorry i didnt meant to say it" i tell him and he looks confused before speaking

"No i love it Lily you can call me if you want" Chris tells me which makes me smile and i lean into his side hugging him before mom comes back and sits down next to me

"I got you some scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes and some fruits" Mom told me placing the plate down infront of me and i started to eat but i couldnt eat it all as i was starting to get very full so i left the slice of toast on the plate

"Right we have our interview in 10 minutes so drink your juice and we will go to the bathroom and touch up our makeup before" mom tells me and i nod before finishing my drink and following her out of the room

Once we finished we were taken into a room similar to the room i was in yesterday with Chris and we sat down on the chairs they had given us

*in interview*

"Hello today we have the wonderful mother and daughter duo Scarlett Johansson and Lily Jost"the interviewer speaking to the camera before she turns around to us

"So Lily i hear this is your first movie acting what made you realise that you wanted to act?" she asked me and Scarlett took my hand rubbing the back of it

"I used to take acting classes when i was younger and i stopped for a while and recently i wanted to try and explore that path again and i loved working with my mom, a lot of people thought i only got the job because of her and i mean i got the opportunity to meet the Russos because she took me to set but she didnt know i had spoken to them about acting tips so when she found out i was going to be playing her daughter in the movie she was shocked" i tell her with a smile on my face and i look up to see mom with the biggest smile on her face

"Thats so nice that you two got to work together, Scarlett how does it feel to be back on set working with Lily now?" the lady asks Scarlett

"I mean the cast is always a pleasure to work with and i love my job but my job got a little better when Lily was cast in the movie because she was there most the days filming instead of me dragging her onto set" Scarlett explained and i giggled at the last bit that she was saying

"Alright we have time for one more question, as we all know Lily isnt your real daughter so how was it like to explain that to the cast when you first met and what was their reactions when she called you mom also Rose how did she act when she found out" she asked and my smile dropped i knew that these questions would eventually come but i didn't expect them today and she just asked them rudely, i heard mom shuffle in her seat sitting up more straight

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