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Scarlett's pov

After we had finished the movie the whole cast was having an after party which Lily was excited for because she said she wanted to spend more time with Lizzie before she leaves and goes back to London for a while

I make my way to Lily who has Chris and Robert around her and I can tell that she has had a drink because I told her she could have one but no more so im hoping that they aren't being a bad influence on her so I go and talk to Florence for a while discussing the black widow movie that we start filming soon and Lily is in the movie as she is playing my daughter but after that I go back to Chris and Robert to find Lily is not with them anymore

"Hey guys have you seen Lily anywhere?" I asked them and they shook their head and started talking again so I walked around to try and find her

Lilys pov

I knew Robert and Chris were trying to get me to stay with them because they don't want me sneaking off drinking more alcohol but that's exactly what I am doing right now, the bartender keeps leaving shots of vodka at the end of the table so I keep pouring them in with my coke so no one suspects anything and I just sit on the barstool sipping my drink and after drinking in small sips I start to feel the alcohol as in my glass I had about 7 shots and I kept refilling them

After 7 more shots I decide I have the confidence to go up to everyone and I started chatting my head off and most of them are drunk as well who are sitting in the booth so they didn't notice I was also drunk

It was me, Florence, Tom Holland, Chris Hemsworth and Lizzie and Florence had the brilliant idea of playing truth or dare and we all agreed but I didn't realise that mom, Chris and Robert were staying sober to help the rest

"Lily truth or dare" Florence asked me giggling and I took a big gulp of my drink before telling her I'll do dare

"I dare you to stand on the table and spin around" Florence said laughing again and i think the mention of the dare sobered Lizzie up because she started to tell me its dangerous because i had heels on

But i didnt listen and i stood on the table and started spinning which made the whole room spin and i lost my balance falling off the table and i laughed until i looked down to see my foot bent to the side with a bone sticking out but i couldnt feel anything and i think the table where too busy laughing they didnt realise so i just got up with one foot laughing and sat back down next to florence again and it went on for another 20 minutes until they had waters which sobered them up a little but i was still sipping on my vodka coke and they realised that i was drinking Lizzie snatched the drink out of my hand

"heyy thats meannn lizarddd" i say slurring my words which makes Lizzie mad and all of a sudden i hear her calling my mom over

"Lily i have been looking for you for the past 2 hours" Scarlett says as she looking down at me

"Hi scarly warly i did some dancing on the table and now i have a bone on the outside" i tell her smiling up at her and she looks confused until i point down at my foot which was now swollen and bruised with the bone sticking out and her face goes into shock like the rest of the cast who was sitting with us

"Did this happen on the table dare?" Lizzie asked me and i nod giggling and my mom comes and quickly takes the straps of my heel off

"Does it hurt baby?" Scarlett says as she inspects it but i shake my head no as i think the alcohol is numbing it or something

"The bone is sticking out we are going to have to go to hospital" mom tells me before picking me up placing me up on her hip

"Lizzie can you call Colin for me and update him and i cant believe you all didnt notice she was drinking" Mom tells the group and i spoke up to defend them "Its not their fault i stole the shotttss" i speak slurring my words again giggling

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