New cast

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Lilys pov

Today was the day we were starting to film black widow and when we got to set this morning I immediately rushed into Florence's arms as she was waiting at the car park for us and after she hugged Scarlett we made our way to our trailers and mom told me she decided that me and her can share a trailer anyways which I didn't mind as we were only in the trailer a little while anyways and I like having more time with my mom

"Good to see you guys and it's good to have you all back especially you Lily we loved having you in Endgame but you 3 have a table read where you are meeting the new cast members"  Anthony told us as we walked into the Green room and it felt weird being back here without the rest of the cast like normal and I didn't know what I was going to do without Chris but we will be back together soon enough

"I see you are still in the boot Lily I thought you said it was going to take 6-10 weeks Scarlett" The Russos asked and Scarlett smiled before pointing at me "This one managed to re brake the smaller bone so they said she is in a cast for I think about 4 or 5 weeks" and they laughed as they told us they could still fit it in to the storyline as they could say I got hurt on a mission at the start of the movie

I held moms hand as we walked into the table read room and I smiled when I saw David harbour sitting there, I loved him in stranger things and I was fangirling and I think mom noticed as she squeezed my hand to get me from staring at him and we went to sit in our seats but mom pulled me up before placing me up on her lap "I can sit in my own chair mom" I tell her and she smiles before telling me "I don't want any of the cast to accidentally step on your foot sweet girl you only have a couple more weeks before you can have it taken off" and I nod not minding sitting on her lap because I get more cuddles and we sit there until the Russos come in with Kevin and he gives me a small wave and I give him one back

"Okay as you all know this is the production of black widow and I want you to go around the table introducing yourself and telling everyone one thing about yourself"

"I'm Florence Pugh and I love cooking" I hear Florence next to me start off

"I'm Scarlett Johansson and I love going to the beach with my family" mom says poking my cheek which made me laugh and now it was my turn and my mom held my hand reassuringly

"I'm Lily Johansson-Jost and I like eating all of Florence's food" I say with a grin on my face at Florence and her mouth drops

"Your the one who kept stealing all my food oh my god I blamed Hemsworth for months after that" Florence said and everyone around us started laughing

(Pretend that Florence/yelena was introduced in infinity war before they all snapped and Black widow is still about them taking down the red room before infinity war happened)

"I'm David harbour and I love pulling pranks" and I smiled knowing we will get on well but my mom caught onto this and said "Well I'm keeping Lily away from David we do not need another relationship like Lily and Evan's" which made me groan but David winked at me letting me know he will speak to me later

"I'm Rachel Weisz and I love dogs like if any of you have a dog please let me have it" Rachel said which made everyone laugh again and we let everyone else introduce ourselves before we all started to talk and I went on to the empty seat next to me and started to talk to David whilst mom went to the toilet

"I've heard that you are a troublemaker" David said bending his head down to me whispering and I shook my head laughing

"Nope not at all mom just doesn't like it when Chris Evan's runs off with me and we hide away from her" I say giggling and it makes him laugh before he tells me we can do some pranks together and I agree before moms come back into the room and she looks at us both before placing two fingers up to her eye and back at us to show she is watching us before sitting down next to me and she starts to talk to Florence

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