The cast

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Scarletts pov

I drive up near the set and i can tell Lily is getting nervous so i place my hand on hers squeezing it every few minutes to let her know i was still there, I dont want Lily having a panic attack when we are here because i know the cast will get worried and they will surround her which will make Lily even more anxious and i know the guys mean no harm but it will freak Lily out, i know that Lily will end up being close to Lizzie and Chris, they are both my best friends and i have updated them about Lily but no one knows that she is coming today because i wanted it to be a surprise especially for Lizzie because she has been begging me to introduce her to Lily.

We pull up to the set and she looks at me, i see the fear in her eyes so i get out of the drivers side and go to the passenger side and take her hand once again placing it on my chest and she follows my breathing

"Sorry Scarly i think i am ready now, i am excited and i know i wont be like this when i actually meet them" Lily says with a sad smile

"Hey what did we say about apologising about feelings?" i say with my eyebrow raised and she quickly answered "we do not do it because emotions are normal" and i smile at her, even if she didnt know it yet i could see her confidence had grown from when i first met her and i was unconditionally proud of her

"Right if you are ready we can go in the green room where i think most of the cast would be" i tell her with a smile and she looks back up at me with a genuine smile which makes my heart melt, she takes her bag that i made her bring with some revision books in so that she is still learning as she is not at school which did not make her happy but she knew she would never win that argument against me

I sign myself in at the reception of the set and show my id badge that i have for these marvel films and i ask them to make one for Lily as i have a feeling she may want to visit here more often, Rose likes coming here alot and the cast is like her family and i am hoping that Lily may think the same in the future

As i go to open the doors i feel a hand slip in mine and i hold it tightly knowing she must be freaking out because she is a huge marvel fan as well

Lilys pov

As i saw Scarlett open the door i grab onto her hand to make sure that she is with me and she wont leave me, when we walk into the room i can see 8 people who just turn and look to see who just came in and i see them all with confused faces except one who is running to us and she immediately takes me into a hug and i give her a awkward hug back not really knowing why THE ELIZABETH OLSEN just hugged me, she cupped my face and looked at me which made me feel uneasy until she noticed my uncomfortable facial expression

"Oh my God im so sorry , i didnt mean to make you uncomfortable or anything but i have been begging Scarlett for ages to let me meet you and now i have im so excited and you are even prettier in person" Elizabeth tells me which makes me smile and i see Scarlett standing over there with the other people which normally makes me panic when im alone with new people but Elizabeth makes me feel safe with her

"Im Lily i am a huge fan of yours Elizabeth" I say to Elizabeth and she just takes me into another hug and i melt into her, i like her hugs they are the best but nothing can beat Scarletts hugs after a while Elizabeth suddenly takes my hand and she takes me over to where Scarlett is talking to the rest of the people who i recognise as Chris Evans, RDJ, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Tom Holland and Florence Pugh and i was internally fangirling them as me and Elizabeth stood next to them all which Scarlett gave me a huge smile and i gave her one back

"So you know how i told you guys Colin had a daughter, this is Lily but she is like my own daughter now and yeah thats basically it so introduce yourself " Scarlett said with a huge grin on her face wiggling her eyebrows at me

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