Birthday Part 2

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Lilys pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY" i heard all around the room and i looked around to see the whole cast there and all my friends smiling at me until they saw the bloody tissue on my nose, i laughed as Lizzie came over and cupped my face

"Im alright Lizard dont worry" i told her squatting her hand away and i put the tissue into the bin before hugging everyone which took quite a long time considering how many people were here

"Happy birthday squirt" dad said coming up to me and i hugged him tightly before thanking him as i guessed he was the one who put all the decorations up and Leo came up to me and kissed me which made Chris and Robert glare at him and i think they genuinely scared Leo so i told them to stop it and they followed my instructions claiming "We will just this one because it is your birthday"

When Leos football friends tried to hand me presents mom immediately came over and took them telling me i cant open any yet until we have had dinner and then the next thing i knew i was being carried up the stairs by mom, Lizzie following us closely behind and she handed me a gift which i cautiously took because my mom said i wasnt allowed to open them yet even though it was like 4 in the afternoon

I opened it to find a red silky dress and there was a pair of black heels which soon they both realised i couldn't wear them because of my boot and i cant wear one heel as it would be harder for me to walk so they settled on my converses, i was rushed around everywhere in my room and Lizzie was doing my makeup whilst mom curled my hair and i was getting incredibly bored of sitting here but it seemed to make them both happy so i complied

I opened it to find a red silky dress and there was a pair of black heels which soon they both realised i couldn't wear them because of my boot and i cant wear one heel as it would be harder for me to walk so they settled on my converses, i was ru...

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This is the dress^^^

When mom helped me into the dress i was confused as it was a really fancy dress, they both told me to leave the room whilst they go get their dresses on which i was forced to stay as they told me they want to see everyones reactions for my dress, it took them 20 minutes before they both came back and i sighed out of relief because they wouldnt even let me go down and get my phone

"Whoa you guys look so pretty" I tell them going in for a group hug and mom kissed the top of my head before telling me "Not as beautiful as my little girl" which made me smile endlessly until i was told we were allowed to go downstairs now, i told mom i could walk down the stairs and even though she looked worried in case i fell she still let me but she made Lizzie go in front of me and she was in the back of me

"Wait so if she falls she squashes me how unfair" Lizzie said walking in front of me which nearly did make me fall because it made me laugh but luckily mom grabbed my waist before i went forward

"Your lucky i love you Lilliana i wouldnt let anyone fall on top of me and possibly break my bones except you" she said taking my hand and helping me down the last steps which i saw everyone of the boys in suits all dressed nicely which made me confused

Leo came up to me first and kissed my check which made me blush and im sure mom realised as she smiled at me before putting her lips out mocking our kissing which made everyone laugh so i hid my head in Leos chest

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