The king

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*time skip to monday morning*

Lilys pov

My alarm clock woke me up which was annoying because i hated the sound of that clock but my dad wouldnt let me have my phone for the alarm, Scarlett went home yesterday because she said her daughter Rose was back, it did make me feel a little sad because i missed her hugs and i dont want to be away from her because my mind will play tricks on me telling me i should distance myself away from her

I turned the alarm clock off and got out of bed going into the bathroom to have a quick shower, i got out of the shower and put my robe on so when i was drying my hair my clothes didnt get wet, it was 7:45 in the morning and school doesnt start til 9 so i had plenty of time to get ready, once my hair was all dry i did my simple makeup routine of mascara and blush and then chose my outfit which was my hoodie and leggings, i didnt dress up for school because it was school no one gives a shit on what you are wearing

I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs, i heard my dad talking to someone but i didnt hear no other voices so i assumed he was on the phone to someone and i knew who it was when he said "love you babe see you later" , he was talking to Scarlett which isnt a surprise to me when i werent speaking to them for 2 weeks i heard him being on the phone to her all the time

I made my way into the kitchen when he was ending the call and went to the fridge to get some of the fruit salad i made last night, i dont eat anything other than my fruit salad when i am at school and i also grabbed my apple juice from the top shelf that i know dad had put up there on purpose because he told me "you drink so much apple juice one day you will be looking like apple juice" which didnt make sense to me at all because how can someone look like a juice, but its my dad we are talking about here and he talks about some crazy shit

I got myself a glass out of the cupboard and poured some of the juice into the cup, i ate some of the fruits but didnt finish the bowl because i wasnt feeling that hungry this morning

"That was Scarlett on the phone, she was calling me to tell you that she is picking you up from school today and she is taking you back to hers where you can meet Rose because i finish work at 7, then ill come over and we could either stay at Scarletts or i can bring you home its up to you squirt but just tell me when i come to Scarletts okay?" Dad said to me and i gave him a small smile and nodded, i felt an anxious feeling in my chest when dad brought up meeting Rose, she was 8 years old and i am an only child so its weird to know that there is another girl who could possibly be my sister soon, there was also a 5 year gap between us so we wont have anything in common

I think my dad knew i was starting to panic so he made his way around the counter and took my hand and placed it onto his chest telling me to take deep breaths and follow his heartbeat which i did and i got my breathing back to normal

Then i looked at the time and it was 8:40 so i had 20 minutes to get to school, i made my way to the front door putting on my air forces and grabbing my bag standing there waiting for dad to come and take me to school but i was panicking because i knew that i had to speak with Leo today and Scarlett will be questioning me when i get to hers about him

Dad and I got into the car and ten minutes later we arrived at the school, he handed me my phone and i got out of the car making my way to the front of the school preparing myself that Leo might be waiting at the lockers for me, before i stepped into the building i turned around to see dad still sitting there which i knew he would in case i would try and leave and skip the day so i waved back to him and stepped into the building

I walked to the lockers and it was 8:54, the classes started at 9:05 so we had sometime to speak before, i was nervous so nervous that i completely forgot that i had my phone back that i have gone 3 days without, i took a quick glance at my phone to see multiple messages from Harry which doesnt suprise me because i dont think Adeline had told him that i have been grounded for 3 weeks but i will tell him at lunch and update him about the Leo situation as well

I was so occupied with my phone i didnt even realise Leo coming over but he caught my attention by clearing his throat

"Hey L, Adeline told me that you had your phone taken away for a week and your grounded for another 2" he said with a small chuckle which made me frown

"heyy its not funny, its so boring without my phone i had nothing to do other than sit in my room and watch tv on saturday but then my dad came in claiming that i couldnt watch tv because i am grounded so he took the remote and then took my laptop even when i told him i needed it for school but he said that i never do the schoolwork anyways" i said rambling because i was annoyed that my dad had gone that far to take the tv remote

"sounds like you were bored out of your mind L, but we need to talk about what happened at the party" he said smiling which i didnt know if it was a good or bad thing which made me feel even more uneasy

"Im sorry Leo, i was drunk i didnt mean to kiss you and im sorry for ruining your party" i say with a worried look on what he was going to say next but to my surprise he grabbed my chin and lifted it up so i was looking up at him and kissed me again

"L trust me when i say i have been wanting to kiss you for a long time" Leo said with a huge grin on his face because he looked down at me and saw he had made me blush and i looked stunned

"Leo i have always liked you but i thought you didnt like me back thats why you distanced yourself away from me" i said with a sad look on my face which made Leo look sad as well

"I promise Lily i have never hated you, i think i pushed you away because i was too scared to admit that i liked you" Leo said taking me into a hug and he felt safe like Scarlett but her hugs were better, i loved Scarletts hugs

"So what do we do now?" i asked hoping that he wont tell me it was a one time thing and then abandon me again like he did last time

"I want to be with you Lily forever and always" Leo said with a chuckle taking my hand into his, he kissed my hand then kissed me again, even though we were only 13 it felt natural like this

"And we have to have another talk on why the Scarlett fucking Johansson was picking you up" he said as we made our way to our class as we both had chemistry together in the morning

We made our way into class, i normally sit at the back by myself so i was surprised to see Leo sitting down next to me, his friends came over and asked him why he was sitting over here with me and he gave them a sarcastic smile and said "because i want to now go and sit down" and they listened to him then he turned his attention back to me his eyes hinting on to tell me about Scarlett

"Okay Scarlett is dating my dad so she is going to be my step mom soon and im going to be meeting her daughter after school today and im so scared" i said quickly and he grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it, normally if someone did this 20 minutes into a relationship i would be weirded our but me and Leo were best friends we know everything about eachother

"Im sure it will be fine L, hopefully you can convince Scarlett to let you have your phone with you when your at hers" Leo said rubbing it in that  im not allowed my phone other when i am in school

"You can come and say hello to Scarlett if you want when she picks me up because she was asking me about you and why i kissed you in front of her" I replied and i saw the smile on Leos face drop realising that he was going to talk to Scarlett Johansson

A/N- thank you to all the people that are reading my book, i am british so some of the words and how i use them may not make sense but if you have any questions please feel free to comment and ask, my messages are always open

Love P x

New beginningsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora