Love you mom and dad

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Lilys Pov

We were now on the way back from set and I just zoned out looking out of the window and I think Scarlett knew as she was just singing along to the songs on the radio but I could see her looking at me every once in a while, we were going to watch a movie when we come back dad told me and Dad and Rose got all the snacks waiting for us

We got in and I immediately went upstairs telling all of them I was going to have a shower because I didn't have one this morning because I was half asleep I could see Scarlett worrying about me so I just continued my way up the stairs

I got my fluffy pyjamas out and I had my shower, once I got back into my room I could see Scarlett sitting on my bed and she looked up from her phone and held her hands out to me telling me to come and give her a hug which I did because you can't decline her hugs

"What's going on sweet girl?" Scarlett said cupping my face so I am facing her

"Nothings wrong I'm just tired" I say and it's not a complete lie but I was stressing about telling Scarlett and dad, I know dad would be happy for me because he was always trying to get me back into the acting environment but I was worried about Scarlett I didn't want her to think I was doing this to copy her and then she might leave me and I don't want her to leave

"Remember what I said don't bottle your emotions up Lily you are allowed to feel them"
I just nodded and cuddled into her after a while she left to go and put Rose to bed and I stayed laying down on the bed thinking on how I was going to tell them

Then I heard the little footsteps outside my room and it was Rose who barged her way into my room and she jumped on top of me which caused me to wince in pain and I felt the tears in my eyes but I didn't want to cry because I didn't want to make Rose feel bad

"I'm so sorry Lolly I didn't mean to hurt you" Rose quickly said scrambling off me to sit next to me and I just gave her a small smile not moving from the position I was in because it was hurting to breathe again

"Rose there you are, I told you to go and pick a story before bed" Scarlett said coming into the room and I just kept my eyes closed hoping Scarlett doesn't notice but I sit up trying not to scream when I sat up and I gave Rose a hug before telling her goodnight, She ran to Scarlett who scooped her up and walked out of the room and I sighed in relief

I laid back down for 10 minutes before sitting back up and making my way downstairs where I see dad sitting on the couch trying to find a movie to watch so I sit next to him cuddling into his side in a ball because it doesn't hurt when I sit like that

Then Scarlett came downstairs and sat next to me and she turned to face me but I didn't want to move so I just buried my face into dad hoping that they would just watch the movie without talking to me but I was stupid if I ever thought that was going to happen

"Lily what did you want to speak to me and your dad about?" I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion completely forgetting what I was panicking about not even 20 minutes ago

"The talk with the Russos" Scarlett said re jogging my memory so I sit up so I am now in the middle of them both which was really intimidating so I just stared straight ahead not wanting to give any eye contact

"Well Scarlett you won't know but dad you remember when I used to do the acting classes with Dana (her mother) I wanted to see if I could start doing acting again so I asked the Russo brothers and they told me to give them a tape and they said they would give me a role at marvel" I say quickly and I look down to my lap not wanting to see if they are disappointed or angry about this but suddenly I was picked up which I assume was my dad and he pulled me onto his lap hugging me which made me wince in pain and he let go of his grip on me before cupping my face so I would look at him

"Squirt I am so proud of you, I told you that you were amazing and I am the luckiest father in the whole world"  Dad told me with a massive smile which made me smile back at him but then I felt a hand touch my back and I knew it was Scarlett because she was drawing patterns into my back like she normally did so I got off my dads lap and sat back in the middle of them

"I'm sorry Scarlett" I say looking up at her

"Why are you sorry sweet girl I'm so proud of you, your dad told me all about how you were a very talented actor and I'm so happy that you will be able to work with the cast because they all love you so much" Scarlett said kissing the top of my head so I lent into her side to hug her

"So you're not mad?" I ask them both and they looked back at each other with confusion on their faces before asking why would they be mad at me for this

"it's just that Jodie told me that I wasn't that good at acting and I should never continue with the acting that's why I never wanted to start again until I met you Scarlett because I want to be just like you but I don't want you to think I am copying you" I say looking back into my lap playing with the rings on Scarlett's hands

"I would never be mad and you aren't copying me Lily, you are amazing and we are both very very proud of you but I do need to ask you something?" Scarlett asked the last bit with her eyebrow raised which made me kinda scared

"What happened upstairs when Rose came into the room because I saw you and you looked like you were in pain?" She questioned me so I told her the truth but I told her not to get Rose into trouble because she just forgot about it but Scarlett made me take some more pain killers before rewrapping my ribs again

"You have to promise us Squirt when you are hurt you need to tell us because we don't like seeing our girls in pain" my dad said kissing the side of my head before turning the movie on but I didnt pay much attention to it as I just fell asleep with my head on Scarlett's lap

"I love you mom and dad" I tell them before I fall into a long needed sleep

Scarlett's Pov

After she told us about the movie I was so proud of her because Colin went on for hours telling me he was trying to convince her to start acting so I was glad she was feeling confident about it all and I think she knows it will be better on set because she knows all the people there

We continue to watch the movie before Lily places her head onto my lap and I stroke her hair knowing it will make her sleepy and she needed to sleep because we were up early and I thought she would have a nap in the day but she didn't

"I love you mom and dad" I heard her mumble and I turned to Colin who has a big smile on his face and I did too, I loved hearing her call me mom but I don't want her to force her into calling me is but I was glad to hear that she felt comfortable enough to call me it, me and Colin decide to finish the movie before clearing all the snacks up and I decide to take Lily up to bed but before I could move Colin had taken her into his arms which I was grateful for because my legs were numb from keeping them in one position the whole movie, he started walking upstairs and I followed him and I thought he was going to take her into her own room but he brought her to ours and placed her in the middle of the bed before getting his pyjamas on and I did the same, I gave Colin a kiss before turning the lamp off and drifting off to sleep with Lily cuddled into me and I loved my family so much

A/N- Thank you to everyone who is reading this book and this is only a short chapter tonight there will be a longer one tomorrow, my messages are always open if you want to talk

Love P x

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