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Scarletts pov

I take the girls to school dropping Rose off first because her school is closer and then me and Lily make our way to her school, once we get there i hand her the phone and i could see her typing to Leo telling him to meet her at the lockers and then she gets out the car and starts to walk into the building

I drive off once i know she is in school because Colin had told me there was a few times where she signs herself out in the day and he cant do anything about it because of work which is why he has added me to her school records as a guardian so they call me if she tries to leave the school or if she needs picking up

When i get home after i went food shopping i looked around and it was so quiet, i miss having the girls here even if it is chaotic, it is normally like this when Rose goes to her fathers as well and Colin comes around to stay to keep me company which has left me to realise that Lily was either home alone most of the time or hopefully she was with Colins mom

Lilys pov

I got into school and went straight to the lockers and i saw Leo waiting for me, i dont think people in school other than Adeline knew about me and Leo which i am grateful for because the bullying from the cheerleaders would be even worse and i dont want to tell Leo because he will feel guilty that this has been happening for 2 years now and i havent told him

"Hey L" Leo says meeting me halfway because he saw me coming along to him and he took me into a hug and i gave him a hug back

"Hey Leo i missed you, im sorry i cant text but i get my phone back on sunday and then we can facetime if you want" i say looking up at him and he kissses the top of my head and tells me it is okay

Leo takes my hand and we head to class again but the classes had joined together so when we walked in i saw the cheerleaders that are rude to me all the time and i was hoping that they waited til after class if they wanted to speak to me because i dont want Leo questioning anything, and thankfully they kept their mouths shut but i could still hear them sniggering behind me but i knew they were pissed because all 3 of them hoped that one day Leo would date one of them

The day went by pretty quickly and i had Leo in the rest of my classes until lunch and we went our seperate ways to our friendgroups and then i went to the bathroom which was the biggest mistake of my life

Alexia, Maisie and Lexie were all in the bathroom applying their lipsticks and i saw the smirk on their faces when they realised i had walked into the bathroom because as Leo was by my side all day they didnt want to say anything in case Leo thought they were being horrible and decided to never talk to them again

"Oh look at what we have here, if it isnt miss ive got a famous daddy" Lexie said starting to walk up to me, i tried to back up but i crashed into the wall pretty hard then Alexia came and dragged me by the hair taking me to the mirrors before telling me how ugly i was, at this point my tears were threating to spill but i didnt want to give them the satifaction of them knowing i was upset

"Leo doesnt like you Lily he is just messing with you, why would he ever like anyone like you, look at the state of you" they all laughed again and i felt like i couldnt breathe, they had never hurt me physically before it was all verbal abuse but they have never done anything as bad before, Alexia let go of my head and pushed me on the floor before they all started kicking my ribs and it felt even harder to breathe

After what it felt like an eternity, they finally stopped and they left the bathroom and i held on to the sink for support standing up and lifted my tshirt to see my now bruised ribs, they hurt very much and i couldnt ask anyone to help me otherwise i would have to tell who did it which could be worse for me so i decided to do the next best thing i could think of which was leaving the school because they cant stop me leaving if i sign out and my dad cant scold me because he is working late tonight so im just going to go home and sleep

I walk over to the office but not before i messaged Adeline telling her i was going home, i did this alot so she wouldnt be suprised if i did it, i signed out and started to walk home and it didnt take me long as my house is only 10 minutes away but it took me longer because it was hurting to breathe

I finally got into the house and i made my way to my room and i laid in bed and the tears would not stop flowing but i ended up drifting off to sleep still in so much pain when i move so i decide to stay in one position and not move

Scarletts pov

It was 12:45 and i just had finished cleaning the kitchen and my phone started ringing, it was Lilys school


Lilys school- italics

Hey Mrs Johansson this is Mrs Danvers at the Set high school where i am told to let you know Lily Jost has left the school premises and signed out

Yeah thank you for letting me know me know Mrs Danvers, what time did she leave the school?

She left about 10 minutes ago, I tried to ask her why she was leaving but she didn't speak it seemed like she wasn't even there

Alright thank you have a lovely day

I hung up the call and it dawned on me that I had no clue where she would go after school in these situations but I could tell that something had happened, it seemed that she was in her head again and I needed to get to her

I got in my car and I checked the places she would normally go and hang out but she wasn't there, I had searched everywhere until I realised the only place I haven't checked is Colin's house and luckily I have a key for emergencies but if Lily isn't here then I have no clue where she is and she is not answering her phone

I unlocked the door into Colin's house and I saw her school bag laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, I quickly make my way upstairs trying to be as quiet as possible because I don't want her to be scared and think there was a intruder

I got to her door and I put my ear up to it and didn't hear no noise so I opened the door making a small hole to peak in and I saw her laying straight on her back asleep, she never sleeps like that which I thought was weird she always said she liked to sleep on her side

I made my way over to her and I could tell she had been crying, her eyes were red and puffy, my heart broke again for her she was only 13 she doesn't deserve all this pain that is happening to her

I sat next to her in the bed and stroked the hair out of her face, she stirred a little bit and jolted up and she winced as she was putting pressure on her ribs

"Hey baby it's just me, it's only Scarlett your safe" I said hoping to calm her down

"Oh hey Scarly I'm sorry"

"Lily why did you leave school, if you were having a hard time you could have just called me and I would have come and collected you straight away" I say as she laid back down staying in one position again, I take her waist trying to pull her towards me so I could give her a hug but she winced

"Lily what happened, did you get hurt I promise I won't get mad baby please just tell me so I can help you"I tell her and I can see the tears forming in her eyes and she lifts her too up and I can see the black and blue bruises on her right side of her ribs

"It hurts to breathe Scarly, I'm scared" she said panicking but it was putting more pressure on her ribs which made her cry out in pain

"It's going to be okay Lily, we can go to the hospital and get these ribs checked out and you are telling me how this happened, if someone in that school has done this I will be having words with them" I tell her and I can see the fear in her eyes when I mention school

"Scarly I don't ever want to go back there I hate it" she said crying even more which confirmed my suspicions of someone beating her up, it made my heart break because Lily was the sweetest girl on earth

A/N-thank you for reading my book, sorry I haven't been updating as much I have recently been busy but my messages are always open if you need me, I have another book called Teenage fame marvel cast if you want to check that out you can

Love P x

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