hug ban

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Lilys pov 

Chris calls Scarlett and he bends down to where i am sitting and kisses the top of my head before he runs out of the room and i immediately call out "TRAITOR" which made Florence laugh who was sitting next to me, Florence and I went on talking for a while before i heard footsteps coming from behind me which i knew Scarlett and Lizzie had used the backdoor so i wouldnt see them coming but i stood up and ran to the behind the table so they wouldnt come to me because i knew they would tickle the shit out of me but it was a terrible idea as there was two of them so Scarlett came around one side and Lizzie did the other side so i was trapped and there was no way out, as they got closer to me i just decided i would play the sympathy card and tell them my ribs hurt 

"Lily you cant get out of it this time" Lizzie said with a smirk and i was about to laugh back but i had to remain as i was if i wanted them to believe i was in pain which i think i could because as Chris had saved me this afternoon i missed my painkillers and it wasnt a complete lie because i was in pain a little but not as much as i am about to pretend 

I started walking in the direction of Scarlett which i think confused her because she was trying to get me but i hugged her and i felt her hug back which meant she was falling for this act 

"Do you have my painkillers Scarly?" i asked her in a little voice which made her believe me even more 

"Sweet girl is your ribs hurting you, come on go sit down with Florence and ill be back in a minute with the painkillers" Scarlett said kissing the top of my head and leading me back to Florence who saw through the whole thing and she held her laughter in until Scarlett had left and Lizzie said she was going to and get her phone and call Robbie 

"You are quite the schemer Lils" Florence said letting out her laugh which made me smile a little but i couldnt laugh because Scarlett would know and Florence pulled me into her side and squished me which actually pained me 

"Its not a complete lie Flo it still hurts but im using it as my advantage to get them to stop ticking me" i say in a whisper as Scarlett comes back in with my painkillers and a bottle of water 

I quickly take the pills and Scarlett comes and sits next to me pulling me into her side and i smile internally knowing she just broke the no hug ban, next thing i know is Lizzie coming in with a frown on her face after seeing Scarlett cuddling with me 

"Heyyy you pulled me off her when i hugged her because of your stupid no hug ban" Lizzie said crossing her arms which made Florence start laughing again 

"I take back the ban i want all the cuddles now before she leaves for her appointment" Scar said stroking the baby hairs out of my face 

We all sat there talking about random things and then i was lectured about my "stunt with Chris" but i wasnt really listening to them because i zoned out thinking about the hospital appointment and what was i going to tell Leo because i have been ignoring his texts and calls for 2 days now 

Scarlett sroked my face which pulled me out of my trance and she didnt ask me what the matter was but i think Scarlett knows i would be anxious about the hospital as i didnt have great memories there, Scarletts phone rings and she stood up and went out of earshot and i knew it was dad as i glanced at the clock which read 2:57 as dad wanted to pick me up so we can get Rose at 3:15 and then head to the hospital for my appointment at 3:45 

"Lily your dad is coming here to get you because i told him you were in a bit of pain so he said he will come to the green room" Scarlett said bending down in front of me taking my hands and rubbing her thumbs on them and right on cue dad walked in with a huge smile on his face he greeted Lizzie and Flo before coming to Scarlett and kissing her then came to me kissing the top of my head 

"Alright Lily we have to get going now" Dad said reaching his hand out for me to take so he can pull me up from the couch and as soon as i was on my feet i hugged Lizzie and Flo goodbye and then i gave Scarlett a long hug and she kissed the bridge of my nose before whispering in my ear "dont worry sweet girl, your dad will be with you the whole time and i finish at 6 so ill be home soon" which made me smile and i waved goodbye and dad told Scarlett that he will see her later 

When we got to the door i heard Scarlett yell "BEHAVE FOR YOUR DAD LILY" which made dad laugh but i just rolled my eyes as we walked to dads car, Scarlett said she will bring my bag home with her later as it was only school stuff which i didnt need tonight and we made our way to Roses school and when she got in the car she started to tell us about her day telling us about the new lion book they had started reading 

Dad talked with her but i zoned out again looking out of the window and dad knew i was feeling scared and tried to make small conversation to keep my mind off it and once we reached the hospital waiting room i was hoping that April was doing my check up because me and her were very close 

Thankfully April came and took us to the room where Colin seated Rose on the chair and gave her the ipad so she can watch her youtube videos and not pay attention to us which made me feel a little better because i didnt want to scare Rose with the bruises on me and dad took my hand into his and kissed the top of it telling me it was all going to be okay which i was grateful that he was here for me  

I started to panic a little when she asked to do a blood test which i know is a normal routine but i hated needles but dad handed me his headphones connected to his phone which i saw spotify was open and he knew it would make me calmer and i searched up the only music that could give me the feeling of comfort right now, Scarlett

There had been a few night were i have woken up from nightmares and i didnt want to go to Scarlett because i felt bad of her waking up just because of me but she always finds me in the balcony and sits with me before taking me into my bed and staying singing her songs until i fell asleep which i was grateful for but i still feel bad that she has to comfort me, Scarlett is the only one who knows that my nightmares are back and i need to tell my dad about them because he believes they are gone 

After the check up April told me that my ribs were healing well and they should be back to normal in a couple of weeks, we head back to Scarletts house which is where we are most of the time and we hardly go to dads house that often, i needed to go upstairs and film something to show Anthony about my acting so as soon as i got into the house i ran up the stairs and searched for a monologue i could preform and once i finally found one i learnt the lines and practiced before filming it and sending it to Anthony and im sure i could have done better but it was too late now to delete it or change it so im hopefully he tells me the truth about how my acting is and not sugar coat it because i am 13

I head back downstairs when dad calle dup for me telling dinner is ready, dad had made shepherds pie and saved some for Scarly, after that i had a shower and it was 6:30 so Scarlett should be home soon but as i lay in my bed i can feel myself driting off and i fell asleep 

A/N-Thank you for everyone who is reading my story and i am grateful for the 1.9k reads, my messages are always open

Love p x 

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