𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕

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    Bright's POV
  It was already 9:45 PM so we decided to go back home. I was driving and she was sitting on the passenger seat. I still couldn't believe what just happened, it was like a dream. After 45 min we arrived at my mansion "Here we are let...." I was about to leave but then I noticed that she was already asleep so I took her in a bridal style at brought her to her room, I lied her on her bed and I left and i went to my room. I took a shower and I wore my pyjamas, when I was about to sleep, someone knocked on my door, I thought it was Grace. "You can come" i said but it wasn't Grace, it was one of my maid " Mr Smith, Mr Parker is actually crying a mess in her room, we tried to calm her but we couldn't sir, so can you come please?" I went to Grace room at then I saw her, she sat on the bed while crying loudly, some of maids were there too "You all leave" I ordered and they left. I came slowly toward her . "Please, I'm so......rry, i never wanted to hurt you please!!!" She was saying all of that so without thinking twice I hugged her " Stop crying princess it's me, Bright, please stop crying" then she hugged me back. "Bright!!! I killed him, I killed him Bright" she said still crying. "It was just a bad dream sweetheart, please don't cry" i caressed her back but then she broke the hug. "Bright, it wasn't a bad dream, I killed him and he'll be back to take revenge on me" she said again. "What are you talking about?" I asked but she didn't reply but I won't ask more, I was waiting until she was calm.
     After some minutes, she stopped to cry. " Are you alright now princess, please explain me everything!!" I said softly and she nodded. " I had that childhood friend when i was around 6 years old, he was a boy and he had 10 years old more than me but we were still very close to each other, just like our parents. The both of us, we loved swimming so much , in our free time, we always spent it together on swimming. Besides, they used to have a pool in their house so I came over with him" i explained. "What happened after?" He asked again. '' I killed him"

   10 years ago, me and my best friend Kim were playing near the pool at his mansion , it was winter but I wanted so bad to swim " Kim, let's swim!" I proposed him. "No it's very cold so it'll be dangerous" he replied. Kim was the only kid of his parents, so he didn't have brother or sister , he carried a lot about me and treated me very well, he was very protective and possessive when it was about me. "Please Kim" I begged but he refused "No way Grace, you may have a cramps, even if it's a warm pool, I don't wanna take the risk" he replied again while caressing my cheeks. "Kim, it'll be alright, and if I have cramps, you'll be there to help me so I'm not afraid" then I looked at him with a puppy eyes that he couldn't have any choice but accepted. "You know that I can do anything for to see you smile, and you're right, if something happened to you , I'll be always there to help you, I swear angel" he said softly and I just nodded. But I never thought that something would really happened to me.
     I was swimming but suddenly, I felt cramps. I couldn't budge because of the pain and I was going down . When Kim noticed that, he quickly swims towards me to save. Kim was a very good at swimming, he took me and placed me outside of the pool. But suddenly, he also felt cramps, I wanted to help him but I couldn't even budge. "Kim!!!!!" I cried loudly but he was already going down. "Mommy, daddy, aunt and uncle come here !!!!!" I screamed and then they came . "What happened baby?" My mom asked. "It's Kim, he is......" I couldn't say anything so I just pointed the pool. When they all looked there, they saw Kim , so uncle jumped in the pool and took Kim out of the pool. '' Kim!!!!" I cried loudly, he was unconscious and lifeless. Uncle tried his best to help Kim but he stayed a lot of time under the pool. "Kim wake up!!" His mom said while crying a mess but he didn't, then his mom looked at me "Grace, what did you do?" She asked furiously "Aunt , I'm sorry, I just wanted to swim" i replied while looking down. " You wanna swim in this cold weather and you dragged my son with , he helped you but you didn't do anything to save him???? You are stupid!!! YOU KILL MY SON" When aunt said that, I couldn't handle anymore, I get up and I ran away while my mom was running after me "Grace!!!! Please stop!!!" She cried while running but i didn't stop. "Mommy, I killed Kim " I said still running but I was careless and i fell then my mom caught me "Baby, are you okey?" She asked. "Mommy, I killed him!" I replied back and then my dad also came. "No my love, you didn't kill him , it was an accident " my dad tried to calm me. After that incidence, they thought that I was feeling better, but one thing they didn't know is that I was still haunted by these memories

     Bright's POV
   '' It was the last time that I saw them!" Grace was telling me all of her story. "Princess, it wasn't your fault, it was just an accident!" I said softly but she cried even more. "No Bright, I killed him and I know that one day he'll come back and take revenge on me!" She said in fear. "If I'm still alive, I swear no one will hurt you, stop crying" I said and after some minutes, she fell asleep in my arms. She was holding me tightly that I had to sleep with her.
      Next morning, I woke up before her. I went to the kitchen and I saw she was preparing the breakfast "Good morning Sir, did you sleep well?" She asked. "Good morning Bella, yes I slept well thank you. So have you finished the breakfast?" I asked then she nodded " Yes Sir" She replied. "Then put some in plate cause I'll bring it to Grace!" Then she nodded. "Sir, this is the plate'' Bella told me and I took it then I went directly to Grace's room. When I entered , I noticed that she was already awake and she was looking through the window. "Good morning princess, how are you feeling?" I asked and I sat besides her "Good morning, I'm feeling better thanks" she replied with a faking smile. "Here is your breakfast" i said again. "Thank you so much for all of those things even if I don't deserve it" she said while looking down. "Never say that again, you deserve the world sweetheart, and I'll give it to you if you ask me!" I said then she laughed and came closer to my face. "Bright Smith, you may be a billionaire and powerful but you don't own this planet and this is not yours. How are you supposed to give me something that isn't even yours" she replied in a mocking way. "Stop talking nonsense, I'll give whatever you ask me , even if for that I have to steal it for someone " i said dangerously but she just smiled, but this time , it wasn't a faking smile and I was kinda proud of myself making her smiling and I smiled too. "Bright, do you know, your smile is so beautiful, I wish i could see it everytime, more often" she said while looking at my eyes deeply. "And do you know, you should stop looking at me like that with those pretty eyes of you, cause it's so beautiful and full of desires, full of wish that I'd like to realize for you" our face were so close to each other that i could feel her warm breath on my face but suddenly..... "Bright and Grace" it was Angel's voice, i totally forgot that they come back today. "Hey everyone" Grace greeted them . '' How are you? You looked very close to each other" when she said that I walked away. "Good thanks for asking " i just said back . "Seriously Bright, I don't wanna ruin your moment with Grace but we had to go, have you forget , the cargo is arriving today" Sam told me this idiot. "Kinda information Sam, this moment was already a mess when you came. I'll get ready in 10min" with that I left Grace's room

     Grace's POV
  "How are you Grace?" Angel asked me when Bright left my room. "Good thanks, what about you, how was your holiday?" I asked and she smiled. "It was good, Paris was amazing " she replied back and I smiled.
    After a while , Bright came back. "Grace, i have to go, I'll be back as soon as possible okey!!! Don't overthink and please, take care of my brothers " he was caressing my cheeks and I just nodded then they all left me.
    I ate the breakfast that Bright brought for me and after I took a shower. I did my morning rooting and went to the downstairs and I saw Win and Mick, they were already playing, running everywhere and when they saw me they ran toward me. "Good morning, wanna play with us?" Win asked me. "That's depend, what are you playing off?" I asked again. "I'm trying to catch Mick and he's trying to not be caught" Win replied. "You mean like Tom and Jerry?'' i asked and he smiled and nodded. "So Grace, you have to catch me and Win"

      Bright's POV
  I was in my car with my friends and I was lost in my thoughts when Alexander suddenly spoke "Bright, what are you thinking about, you look worry. I thought you and Grace already made it up " Alexander said while me, I was looking through the window. "Yes, we already made up , we even kissed" i said slowly but loudly enough to be heard. "What!!!!  You kissed her??!" Alexander asked. "Who told you that idiot?" I asked coldly. "It's you the idiot, everything is alright but you still look upset. Such a stupid boy, you don't know how to enjoy life!" Alexander said while rolling his eyes. "Never call me stupid again. I'm just worry about her!" I replied while looking through the window. "Why, what's the matter with her??" Angel asked then I look at her. "Well.........
....... "I told them everything. "That's all!!" I said while looking down. "But, it was an accident !!" Angel said and I nodded. "But she still thinks that it was her fault" i said. "But it wasn't " Alexander said again. "Yes I know, that why I should be with her right know, to change her mind " i said. "Don't worry Bright, it'll be quick!!!"


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