Ch.4 Was I Dreaming?

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"Something wasn't right about this evening," I think to myself. With my body sprawled out on the bed. Had I been dreaming? No, I couldn't have. Hell It wasn't even fully night time. It was maybe about noon. Since I had been walking home from school and it gets done at about 2:30 PM.

I sigh confused on the whole situation, not wanting to thing about it this very moment. "On the bright side, mom will be making tuna casserole," I sighed, getting more cozy on my bed. Since I had gotten home 10 minutes ago.

Walking downstairs, I smelled food being cooked in the kitchen. And some blood; I took another whiff, B+. I smiled to myself. My mom knew me so well. Even though she was the only family I had. Or that I was aware of having.

"Hey mom," I say. She turns to me and smiles. "Hey. How was school?" She asks. "It was alright. A lot of drama and stuff like usual," I shrug and laugh a bit to myself. She chuckled a bit herself, "I see." I look at the food and knew my mouth was watering a bit. She finally placed the food on the table and grabbed a pitcher of cool aid. "Well," she says. Smiling a bit to herself. "Dig in." So I sat at the table and ate my food.

After I ate, I went to bed early. Feeling exhausted from school and almost being caught by the gang member. But before hand I had to do my homework, and I had a lot of homework. Mostly Algebra and History. With a touch of French. Since French was easier, I worked on that first. Getting halfway through the worksheet when I saw something outside my window. It was the man in red. I couldn't help but stare at him; he was attractive even though I didn't get a good look earlier. He noticed my staring, I guess, and gave me a small smirk. I blushed and looked away. Putting all of my concentration into my French homework. Looking up I tried to catch a glimpse, but he was gone. Almost as if he hadn't been there in the first place.

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