Ch.16 A Night Out

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A/N: Here's the link for the dress that Taylor wears. Since it won't show up in the image thingy. ( Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :A/N

It's been a day since we hunted down the demon. My training has been quickly progressing, and Alucard and I have gotten closer as well. He has been looking at me as if I was someone he knew.

In the shooting ring placed in my backyard, I shot a few bullets into the dummies heart and sighed. Placing my gun on the table, I grabbed my water bottle and felt a hand tap my shoulder. I look behind me to find Seras with a sheepish grin on her face. "Hello, Taylor." I smiled at her, "hey, Seras." She looked around the area, almost as if seeing if there was anyone else. "Um, are you ok?" I ask. "Huh? Oh! Yes I'm fine," she gave me a closed eye smile.
"Are you sure?" I ask giving her a skeptical look. "Yes, it's just..." She trailed off. She glanced behind me and jumped. "H-hello master!" She said. I looked behind me to find Alucard looming over me. And boy, did he look pissed. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask. Taking a step forward. "Yes," he gritted through sharp teeth. I frowned and placed my hands on my hips. "Don't lie to me, Alucard." He shot me a look and I shot him one back. His face brightened up slightly and he chuckled. His attention went from me to Seras. Who happened to be cowering a bit behind me. His stare was sharp and fear inducing.

"Police girl, we need to talk," he said in a deathly tone. "A-about what master?" she stuttered, shaking like a leaf. "what the hell did she do that was so bad that it pissed him off?" I thought. I saw fire in his eyes. "What did she do that was so bad?" I question. "Nothing that concerns you," he deadpanned. I glared, "tell me." He glanced at me and raised an eyebrow, "and why should I?" I took a deep breath. "Because I have a right to know."

His laugh was psychotic and loud. I started to get irritated. "What the hell's so funny.." he tried to calm himself but failed. He fell on the ground laughing and took deep wheezing breaths. "Oh, I haven't laughed like that in a long time," he sighed. Staying on the ground, he tripped me making me almost fall. I glared at him and walked away into the house. I guess that irritated him, making him forget that he and Seras needed to talk about something.

I walked into the kitchen and started to get the ice cream out of the freezer and a pack of B+ blood from the fridge. "What are you doing?" Alucard asked. "Getting myself some food," I say blandly, still slightly irritated at him. he sighed and stayed quiet. "How would you like to go out for a bit?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence. I looked at him curiously. "When?" I ask. "Later tonight, possibly. If you're interested of course."

I smiled at him. My irritation going away. "Sure, why not," I say. he smiled and got up, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. leaning in to where his lips grazed my ear, he purrs, "Can't wait. See you tonight." I blushed, obviously and shook my head. "See you then," I say.

I was getting ready to jump in the shower whenever Seras walked in a bit relieved. "Someone seems to be in high spirits," I point out. She smiles broadly. "Yes, well, mostly because master is. He seems rather cheerful." I couldn't help but smile, "That's good." She looks around and got all flustered, realizing where she is. "I am so sorry!!" She says, "I will step out right away!!" Practically running out of the bathroom, she had a dark blush on her face. I chuckled and started to get undressed. Hoping in the shower and getting bathed for tonight.

It's now about 8:30 pm and I'm getting my makeup done. I don't know why, I just felt like impressing tonight. Getting done with the eye liner, I put on a dark lipstick. Then as I was getting my shoes on, I saw Alucard walk into the room. He saw me, and his eyes grew wide. A faint blushed adorned his cheeks, "You look beautiful." I blushed as well. "Thanks," I say. He smirks and walks over. Wrapping an arm around my waist. "Shall we go, my draculina?" I nod and walk out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door with him at my side. Once outside, I saw a black old-style convertible; Alucard was smiling proudly at the vehicle and walked towards it. Opening the door for me and smiling his devilish smirk. I blushed and walked towards the car door. Looking at him I gave him a slight peck and stepped into the car, getting my seat-belt on. He smirked wider and closed the car door for me, opening the door on the drivers side and getting in. Starting the engine.

Pulling out of the driveway, Alucard took us to a small, somewhat remote, village on the edge of town. We parked the car before stepping out of it, as we took in the scene around us.

"Funny, I thought you didn't do shopping?" I tease. "I don't," he says. "But I've heard it has some good makeout spots," he purrs seductively. Running his hand gently across my cheek, trailing it down to my jawline. I scoff, "it's funny whenever you try to be passionate,even though when you end up sounding perverted." He smirked, not breaking eye contact. "And you're just now complaining about it?" I couldn't help but look at his lips and then look back up to make eye contact with him. I smiled slightly and kissed him passionately. Separating for a bit of air, I let my lips linger an inch from his before stepping out of the car. I saw him smirk, and grow a bit tense. Was it something I did?

I smiled cheekily at him and even bit my lip just to tease him. "What has gotten into me today?" I thought. He came up to me and gently backed me up onto the car, with his hands on my hips. Leaning in he gave me a passionate kiss and bit my lip. Letting out a slight moan, I kissed back and ran a hand through his black hair. He purred at the contact and drew our bodies closer. "My," he smirks. "You certainly do seem more hot and bothered than usual." I shiver at the contact of his hand going down my spine. He let out a soft chuckle and let go. Stepping back and reaching a gloved hand out to me. I blush and take his hand, trying to regain my thoughts. We started walking hand and hand to an adorable little restaurant. The sign read:

Lovers Den

I grew slightly suspicious of the older vampire. "Alucard," I say sending him a look. "Don't worry, my dear. It's not as scandalous as it seems." He gave me a toothy grin as I blushed a bit. "Huh, that's a new one. You haven't called me dear before." He chuckles lightly at my comment as he reached for the door to open it. Pulling it open, he made a motion for me to walk in first. I gladly went in and saw that it was beautiful.

A/N: What the inside of the place looks like. Sorry, I got lazy. :A/N

"Damn," I breathed. "You outdid yourself a bit, Alu." He smiled a somewhat genuine smile, "thank you, angel." I blushed a bit as I walked into the building.

The date was amazing and we were surprisingly home before midnight. I yawned despite being tired and started going up the stairs. Turning around I said, "Night Alu."

"Goodnight, my Draculina."

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